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Riddle-de-dum #2



First off, I hope all of you that can vote, actually went out and did. I myself can't but I would have if I was 18, I am not though.


Second off, Congratulations to Makaru for getting last weeks riddles, correct. Also, I must say a word about Alku Toa of Rahi, he knew where I got the title. Congrats to both of you.



I'll post some riddles every week. You try to answer them in the comments, it is that simple. And I will start with easy and more well known riddles. Then progress or even randomly throw in a hard riddle. Plus, if you know a good riddle, send me a PM, I'll post it and give you credit for your riddle.


Those who get riddle's correct will be posted in a blog entry later on. If you don't know the answer guess, but explain why you think so. If you can convince me, I might just give it to you.


The answers to last weeks riddles are (Highlight for the answer):


What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps? A river.

When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.

What does no man want, yet no man want to lose? Work/employment


Now for the new riddles.


What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?

No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?

I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?


These next two riddles were sent to me by Makaru. Thanks, Makaru! :)


There is a dinner party. A man takes the wrong fork. Why is the host upset?

A man lives in the penthouse Suite of a 45 story building. He takes the elevator in the morning, but the stairs at night. Why?




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And as for the Makaru riddle 2:

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The person is a midget. He can't reach the elevator buttons




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I am so going to have to rethink how I do this entry... I was hoping the riddles would last like a day...


Perhaps I should do this every four days instead of every week.


Anyway, everyone got the riddles correct.



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the sphinx riddle? oldest on in the book

riddle #1 is

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a man. a baby crawls (4) a grown man walks (2) and an elderly man uses his stick to help him(3)
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