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A Smart Person's Guide To Surviving A Horror Movie



No importance other than #10 being the most important;


1. If you have a weapon of any type, use it on anything that moves, and don't stop using it until you reach civilization.

2. Never stop dramatically.

3. Don't just start running your mouth when you can in-theory blow the monster's brains against the wall.

4. Never go swimming once someone dies. Ever.

5. If you're college age, never talk for any amount of time longer than fifteen seconds.

6. Unload a clip of bullets into your car before you get into it assuming it's safe.

7. Never start talking to yourself.

8. If you really care about everyone else, never go in a group if you're the main character, because they'll just get killed to make your adrenaline go up along with the audience.

9. When in doubt, C4.

10. Once the monster seems dead, don't walk up to it slowly and prod the body. Unload a few more clips of ammo into it. Then throw sharp things at it. Then unload some more bullets into it. Then continue filling it with lead as you leave. Then burn down the building it's assumably in. Then burn down the forest it's assumably in. Then make an IED and use it there.

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13.) Don't do illegal drugs near the lake, in the forest. Especially when there's a guy Hockey mask who has a machete nearby.

14.) Do not drink the water! For all things sacred, it'll eat your flesh to the bone!

15.) You're slow friends are the best device in slowing psycopaths down. Use them wisely, because only so many of them won't ask "Wait, what happened to everyone else who we sent with you?"

16.) If you thought you survived, wait a few minutes. A whole Police Unit may shoot you down the moment you say "I made it!"

17.) Get Rob Zombie to take control of the psycopath. He'll then kill himself due to being leaad in a terrible direction.

18.) In any case, two-shot shotguns are still unreliable, despite what Zombie Movies have taught you.

19.) In the case of Nazi Zombies, get a Soviet with a flamethrower.

20.) If someone asks "Is Tamara home?" say yes, but she's asleep. Remember, even random people you meet are psycopaths. Even your Best Friend you know everything about.

21.) Break out in a dance to lure the zombies into your will. They will follow suit.

22.) Get somebody to turn a brutal creatures, like a 147 year old vampire/other, to make a book where they just want to love, not snap people's necks to suck out the blood, so that the general species will never be truely taken seriously ever again.

23.) When all else fails, Stakes and Holy Water.

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