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I Built A Bandersnatch This Morning



I woke up at 6 again this morning. I showered, pulled out my Bionicle parts, and in two hours had a prototype bandersnatch. For those who don't know, a bandersnatch is a quick-moving reptile with and extendable neck. I built it for a contest that ends tomorrow (blog search for bandersnatch, there's only one blog with the word in the title).


My problem this morning is how long the critter's neck should be when extended. Is an extendable neck really a feasible natural tool? Think about it. What's more efficient, extending your neck to bite prey, or leaping over to it and bringing your teeth and claws to bear? On one hand, the neck option could possibly increase your stealth, but the pounce option could be a faster kill due to increased weaponry.


These are the questions that torture me in the night.


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blog search for bandersnatch, there's only one blog with the word in the title.

yes, see how awesome it is?

For those who don't know, a bandersnatch is a quick-moving reptile with and extendable neck.

I actually made up the reptile thing.

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It fits in with the extendable neck; you're not likely to see a bird or mammal with a neck twice the size of their body (giraffes excused, but their necks aren't extendable anyway).

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It fits in with the extendable neck; you're not likely to see a bird or mammal with a neck twice the size of their body (giraffes excused, but their necks aren't extendable anyway).

exactly, that's why I made it up.

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Your nights are so much better than mine...


What tortures YOU in the night, Javi?


Sick things. Things too sick for yo' MIND. :P


It fits in with the extendable neck; you're not likely to see a bird or mammal with a neck twice the size of their body (giraffes excused, but their necks aren't extendable anyway).

exactly, that's why I made it up.

I'm pretty sure Carakki's aware of that, or he probably would have already "apologized for his foolishness" or something along those lines. :D Though I was interested to find this on dictionary.com:


1. an imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition. 2. a person of uncouth or unconventional habits, attitudes, etc., esp. one considered a menace, nuisance, or the like.


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