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Just Some Things

Queen of Noise


My grandfather passed away this weekend.


I'm not posting this as a plea for pity or condolences or anything; I'm not moping or crying. I've already cried; I'm not clinging to the past now. This is something that has been coming for a very long time; he's been in extremely poor health for years and been especially bad these past nine months, in and out of the hospital constantly. Grandpa had the strength of an ox, and he fought it off for a very long while, but it was just his time. He's not in pain anymore.


As I said, I'm not posting this as a pity-party or anything; just touching on what's happened. And to toss a little "thanks" to my friends who were with me, even if some of them couldn't be here physically, all this while. There aren't many things more touching than getting a message on your phone all the way from another country saying "I love you, man" when your life has hit a rough spot. Friends are the family you choose. ^^;


I'm also back at college, for anyone interested. This semester I'm taking Literary Criticism and Theory, American Literature, American History through the Musical, Movement and Voice, and 900 - 1800 CE. Lit-Crit is dry but it's going to make me an amazing English teacher. The rest are fun.


I can't participate in the theatre this semester, because I need to focus on retaining my scholarship, and it's killing me because we're doing a musical this semestre. Augh! But the academics are the reason I'm here at college, so those come first. Since I'm not doing theatre though, I might be able to participate in the Bach's Lunch (a music festival at the end of the semester), since I won't be in rehearsals during the planning meeting, like I have been the past four semesters, haha. We'll see.


Someone I love is feeling good as I type this. :)


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If I had your number, I woulda called.



This. Sorry about your grandfather. I hope things get better for you as the semester rolls on.



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I have your number and I didn't call (sorry, I forgot I had it), but I'm sending you a ton of love and well wishes all the same. Stay strong and count in another shoulder to lean on. *hug*

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