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So I'm on this new medicine, right?


It's like a really strong version of Benadryll mixed with some heavy Naproxen - it's amaaaazing, thank you medical science. <3


Anyways, all medicines have fun side effects, right? Like making you change funny colors and stuff?


This one makes me feel like I'm on a spinny carnival ride all day. :]




Out of all honesty - yes it's kind of annoying, but hey, it's better than nausea or blood clots or liver failure or something awful like that. :P






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"This will probably make you feel woozy a bit, but that's alright, don't worry."-Nurse's standard-phrase 17b. :P


And she goes round'n round'n round'n round'n round...

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What if instead of making you all spinny


It like screwed up your vision so everything looked like you inverted the colors in MSPaint so like white was black, yellow was blue, red was teal, etc.


What would you do?

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What if instead of making you all spinny


It like screwed up your vision so everything looked like you inverted the colors in MSPaint so like white was black, yellow was blue, red was teal, etc.


What would you do?


I would cry, cause it would be hard to color stuff. =(



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