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Ego Contest



Too bad I canna use the word I wanted to.


Just as silly as the last time they did it, but probably will have worse MOCs.


Need something less humanoid-oriented and more System-oriented, since most of the people who make good MOCs are the ones who use System. Durned rare to see a good MOC that's pure Bionicle(actually I can't think of one that's not like ancient when the world was new).


This entry = massive POV. Expect comment editing for humourous effect if I decide to not be lazy.(I know, I know, that probably just scared you off.)


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Mask ruins it. I'm not entirely sure how to describe how, but it does.


Every silver piece in contact with a gold/tan piece needs to diaf.


Layering has problems(gold KK shoulders especially, which could also fix one instance of gold/silver contact), but you've at least sidestepped the great problem of Bionicle MOCs, namely holes everywhere.


Also this is just personal bias, but it needs a bit more light grey inside and less solid white. It'd help some with the layering.


Good, but suffers from wierd overcomplication. Outer shells don't need detail, especially not if they're armour, since it's all too easy to get a weapon hooked on it, and it's too easy for a projectile to get caught rather than glancing.

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I'd just started fiddling around with parts for an entry, but then realized that it could be a lot cooler and more original if I just didn't even try. I now have a system-heavy, pseudo-abstract mecha lookin' thingy on my hands. Although I'm tempted to slap an admin's name on it and send it to the polls, it'd degrade the concept, and I am therefore just going to make something hopefully impressive.


tl;dr we need better contest themes, my ideas aren't as vanilla as they want them to be

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Yes, it would be nice to promote better building.


Edit: I just looked at the contest. The theme doesn't seem to be restrictive, whether you consider System or humanoids.



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The blade for my Black six moc is about 80% System, and is 10 inches long.


Is that cool?


Also, mine is Humaniod, but is gonna be awesome and stuff. You'll like it.

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Every time someone says that, I get a sinking feeling in my gut.


That feeling has never been wrong.

Hey, I'm going to build a humanoid (or two [or three?]), but it'll be awesome, okay?

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Heeheeheehee x3




I have work to do, I know, I know, I'm working on it...

Don't be sad, BenjiFrogs; your MOCs are better than his =D

Yeah, thanks. I simply realized his opinion didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, though I do appreciate it when he does comment.




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Every time someone says that, I get a sinking feeling in my gut.


That feeling has never been wrong.

Hey, I'm going to build a humanoid (or two [or three?]), but it'll be awesome, okay?

I'm down with that. (Wait that means I won't have a chance)


But I do agree with Cagsy about the ego boost. It kinda seems to me like the admins are saying, "Hey we just purged the forums and made everything kk, so now show us how much you appreciate by MOCing us."


Just the way it came off to me. ¯\(º_O)/¯


Not that I'm not happy that there's a new contest up. ^__^


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Every time someone says that, I get a sinking feeling in my gut.


That feeling has never been wrong.

Hey, I'm going to build a humanoid (or two [or three?]), but it'll be awesome, okay?

I think he was referring to the second part of the last line.


I just don't even try to please Cags. It's easier that way. hehe.png



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Every time someone says that, I get a sinking feeling in my gut.


That feeling has never been wrong.

Hey, I'm going to build a humanoid (or two [or three?]), but it'll be awesome, okay?

Ye gods and tiny catfish.


Was there a law passed so as to disallow the recognition of hyperbole?


Must I climb to the top of the Washington Monument with rope, pickaxe, and piton, and shower people below with boisterous shouts and vulgarities in protest? Must I engage in vicious repartee with the proponents of subjection? Must I commit my life to the eradication by chisel and handsaw of the slow-witted and the dense?




I believe I am high on the internet at this time.


Reminder to self: leave at least three days between reading Transmet and posting on BZ.


Reminder to self: post such rants on forums more open to so-called offensive words.




Was referring to the second part of the sentence. Was not specific enough. And anyways.


Some people have a track record of making good MOCs. Still, I don't take their word on the quality of an MOC, I much prefer seeing it myself and forming my own opinions. You can say stuff like that, but I don't like your MOCs because you say they're awesome, I like them because I like them. When you say you're building something awesome, it's quite likely that it will be, due to your track record. But nobody always builds good MOCs.


But when someone who to the best of my knowledge has no track record of building quality MOCs says something like that, I am very much disinclined to believe them. Sure, it's possible I'd like whatever MOC they happen to be building, but it's not as likely.

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Don't be sad, BenjiFrogs; your MOCs are better than his =D

I was fine until I saw this.


Also I don't care, I can't enter anyways.

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Every time someone says that, I get a sinking feeling in my gut.


That feeling has never been wrong.

Hey, I'm going to build a humanoid (or two [or three?]), but it'll be awesome, okay?

Ye gods and tiny catfish.


Was there a law passed so as to disallow the recognition of hyperbole?


Must I climb to the top of the Washington Monument with rope, pickaxe, and piton, and shower people below with boisterous shouts and vulgarities in protest? Must I engage in vicious repartee with the proponents of subjection? Must I commit my life to the eradication by chisel and handsaw of the slow-witted and the dense?




I believe I am high on the internet at this time.


Reminder to self: leave at least three days between reading Transmet and posting on BZ.


Reminder to self: post such rants on forums more open to so-called offensive words.




Was referring to the second part of the sentence. Was not specific enough. And anyways.


Some people have a track record of making good MOCs. Still, I don't take their word on the quality of an MOC, I much prefer seeing it myself and forming my own opinions. You can say stuff like that, but I don't like your MOCs because you say they're awesome, I like them because I like them. When you say you're building something awesome, it's quite likely that it will be, due to your track record. But nobody always builds good MOCs.


But when someone who to the best of my knowledge has no track record of building quality MOCs says something like that, I am very much disinclined to believe them. Sure, it's possible I'd like whatever MOC they happen to be building, but it's not as likely.



No cags, it's just that your posts are generally absurd and their poor sarcasm usually only merits response with more proper sarcasm.


I just don't even try to please Cags. It's easier that way.

And probably because of that your MOCs are also better than Cags.' ^_^


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You MOC fairly well these days. You used to be pretty terrible, but you've developed a real technical prowess. The problem is you haven't often used it in a pleasing manner; your MOCs tend to lack character. :[
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People aren't used to seeing character in anything unless it's humanoid, or at least that's the way it seems.


Though I don't really see why mass-produced robot drone things should have character beyond unfeeling robot.


Maybe I should do a Quirky Miniboss Squad.

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People aren't used to seeing character in anything unless it's humanoid, or at least that's the way it seems.


Though I don't really see why mass-produced robot drone things should have character beyond unfeeling robot.


Maybe I should do a Quirky Miniboss Squad.

Have you ever seen me act as a proponent of humanoids? I was the one who convinced Tufi to do the inanimate objects contest.* My Favourite Bionicle MOCs of all time are ToM's rose and Mak's Fanglyfuss - both very far from humanoid. ^_^


Most of the humanoids out there have far less character than your MOCs, and, as I said, I feel that yours often have none. :[



*Clarification: it was her idea, but she was convinced it wouldn't work out. I convinced her it was a great idea and that she should do it.

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People aren't used to seeing character in anything unless it's humanoid, or at least that's the way it seems.


Though I don't really see why mass-produced robot drone things should have character beyond unfeeling robot.


Maybe I should do a Quirky Miniboss Squad.

have you ever seen me act as a proponent of humanoids? I was the one who convinced Tufi to do the inanimate objects contest. My Favourite Bionicle MOCs of all time are ToM's rose and Mak's Fanglyfuss - both very far from humanoid. ^_^


Most of the humanoids out there have far less character than your MOCs, and, as I said, I feel that yours often have none. :[

Maybe it's just a conflict of our different understandings of the term character or something. I wouldn't define Fanglyfuss or the rose as characterful, they're "just"(not the right word but I can't think of it right now) MOCs that have some absolutely great parts usage and thematic consistency.


Not entirely sure how I'd explain my definiton of character, but I've noticed that most MOCs I would consider as fitting my definition have what I would refer to as dynamic posing. Ends up having the effect of making the viewer understand what the MOC is supposed to do, how it would move, etc...


Which through some unnecessarily convoluted thought proces brings me to ask;


Which of my MOCs would you consider the most "characterful"?

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I just don't even try to please Cags. It's easier that way.

And probably because of that your MOCs are also better than Cags.' ^_^

You edited out the emote. ;_;


About mine and CF's MOCs being better than Cags'... I don't agree, no offense, CF. Cags' skillful greebling is amazing. But I really really really wish they would stop being white and grey. >_>


But I'm pretty sure Cags has way more technical skill than me (as do many other folks out there). :P



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Cags' skillful greebling is amazing.

Huh. I swear I just slap stuff together. I could probably teach a monkey to do it in five minutes.


Every last bit of complicated technical stuff I spew about logical functions and surface types and stuff is thought up in retrospect.

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