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H3 Recon campaign footage leak is :WESOME:


I may just be high on the NGE soundtracks, though.


On a related note, words do not properly convey how awesome Magos Kensuke is.


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Idk. It's been forever since I played Marathon, game gave me headaches for some reason. Think it was the pixelation.


If I had to compare it to anything I'd say it's more like Halo 1, due to the fall damage, health system and lack of dual wielding.


Not having listened to the Marathon soundtrack, this may be wrong, but ODST'sRecon's OST gives me a Marathon feel. It's sort of really desolate.


E: Also whoever uploaded them did so in 720p. glorious.jpg


Downloadan in case they get removed, 's like 7 120MB files.


If you bother to look, Google "halo 3 odst spoilers".


E2: Also on the other subject of the entry, the Sith Lord from the Old Republic trailer look totally like a Techpriest. Magos Kensuke totally looks like a helmetless Darth Vader. Epileptic Trees time squeee!!


E3(teehee.png): What. I just used "squeee". What's happening to me? Augh augh augh augh. Must... resist...


My mind! Get. Out. Of my. Mind!

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Ooh, that seems okay.


My main deal with these games now is the storytelling. Halo 1 did it really well, what with those moments when you feel your entire perspective change when there wasn't even a cutscene. I think the second two dropped the ball there.


Halo 3 seemed almost fanficcy at points.

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Isn't that the thing where you play the memories of your dead team-mates?

Yep. Though they may not be "dead", I haven't watched that far yet. And Nathan Fillion is too awesome to die anyway, So Yeah.


On second subject again, because I cannot stop reading this. Wish there was a good an' proppa A God Am I speech at the end of this chapter. =[

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Yes but this is SPARTA fanfiction. Wish I could link you to it, it's ridiculously good, mostly due to somehow making Shinji awesome.


And by somehow I mean that making things awesome/dialed up to eleven is one of the innate properties of Warhammer.


E: also, in regards to Recon, it's very much a "you and the environment" game, which Halo 2 and 3 didn't pull off like H1 did.

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That's true. Halo 1 had a great feeling of exploring a new and interesting place that was part of the plot, instead of Halo 2 and 3 making it this semi-interesting but not quite there thing.


For example, the Bridges where the flood jump you on Two Betrayals? I could tell you all about them.


The bridges over the water in that bit near the end of Halo 2? Feh, can't even remember what they look like.

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Well, the bridge had unbreakable glass, but still made the glass shattering sound if you were in a vehicle. I always threw a grenade into the middle of the bridge once I was about a quarter of the way across, due to the infection forms spawning there. SPNKR Flood are Hate.


That area's more interesting when you go through it earlier, though the sleeping grunts that'd replace the dead shade gunners were Annoying. Probably the largest weapon cache in the game was off to the right.

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Yeah, I used to lead the marines up to the right side on the way in and shell the other side for a while. Was fun doing all those little "hold-out" things, like dodging Wraith blasts in the middle of the Fire-team Zulu squad crash-site, or the marines getting killed by flood as you watch.


Another cool bit with that chamber is when the door slowly opens, breaks, and Carriers start waddling out.

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Gah, I wish H1's Scorpion reticle was actually accurate. Made it nearly impossible to kill the Wraith up above the tunnel entrance in AotCR.


Also getting a Banshee through the broken door was so awesome. Had a save right after I managed it somehow(iirc, the door somehow didn't have it's collision model loaded one time), and kept it for months.

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Moo hoo ha ha.


I was going to reinstall it, but I can just download the SP maps for CE, though I'll probably replace them with the SPv2 versions if CMT actually gets around to releasing that. Though it hasn't been the same since Dano left, since he's the only really good texture artist they had.








E: Wow, I just realized the rain I've been hearing is from outside, not the Recon footage.

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Heh, I didn't see that at first. It's a CE dev command trick. cheat_bump_possession_1


Basically if it's active you can control other bipeds by running into them. Your normal player body just stands there, you can control the other body as you would your normal one, though the camera will be at a different height, if say, you're a Grunt. The biped you control keeps its original team setting, if you posessed a Brute or Elite(there's Brutes in this Moderator, too(oh no there are brutes in this moderator whatever shall we do(grr filter))) Grunts wouldn't shoot at you, but Marines would.

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Heh, I didn't see that at first. It's a CE dev command trick. cheat_bump_possession_1


Basically if it's active you can control other bipeds by running into them. Your normal player body just stands there, you can control the other body as you would your normal one, though the camera will be at a different height, if say, you're a Grunt. The biped you control keeps its original team setting, if you posessed a Brute or Elite(there's Brutes in this Moderator, too(oh no there are brutes in this moderator whatever shall we do(grr filter))) Grunts wouldn't shoot at you, but Marines would.

Oh my gosh the Harry Potter puppet pals would be terrorists with that power.

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