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Meeting People...



Guess I actually have another blog entry for today, but I'd rather continue bragging....


So if Nukaya, hopefully Arpy, and maybe Xccj are coming to BrickFair, then Bunda has to come as well to complete a list of awesome.



Also, Binkmeister needs to come too. I haven't seen him since 2004.


Also also, we really should ask TLG to send GregF over with the next wave of LEGO employees that come.


I should go start a petition topic or something...but not here. This entry discusses getting Bunda to BrickFair 2010. I suggested we all swim to Hawaii and kidnap him, but Nukaya simply said we need a teleporter.


Edit: And T-Hybrid.

Edit 2: OK obviously there are a few more people I want to meet as well, but for now the focus is on Bundalings.


-CF :kakama:


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I mean people who I really really really want to meet.





That's ok, though. I know what you mean lol.


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Hey, use the teleporter on me. I don't wanna pay for traveling across the country.


Better yet, why don't you come to BrickCon next year? Or, heck, even this year. I'm sure you could find a flight in a month. :P




But I'm a poor college kid too... ;_;



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Ah, so I see how it is... According to this, I'm not awesome. Hmph.


I shall now go and eat pie.



Oh pfft. Don't even try to deny it.

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Ah, so I see how it is... According to this, I'm not awesome. Hmph.


I shall now go and eat pie.



Yeah well up until yesterday (well, Saturday, since it's Monday for me now) I barely knew you...


Geeze, this entry is going to just be a bunch of me defending myself...


Bunda, quick come in and says something witty so I can just end this topic!



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Yeah who are you?




Is Kopakalaka.




Hence my :P emote.


Besides, you signed off with "-Laka."



Well I thought you were just being like iunno. Lol. I thought you just didn't catch it. :P


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But I did eat pie.


And drank Fanta.







Honestly that commercial is stuck in my head after ??? years.


But I cannot come.


I am not eighteen. ;_;


Maybe in 2011?



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Woah, woah, woah.


EW, who are you volunteering me to be a parent for? More in fact, why are you volunteering me to be a parent?

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