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A C T Studies

Lady Kopaka


I’ve been busy with ACT studies. The test comes tomorrow for me. Surprisingly for my usual distressing behavior, I’m taking it okay. I don’t want to become a doctor—so as long as I can get a high enough score to get scholarships (which I really need), not to mention I can take it again. Still...it's been hard to prepare for it when I've been sick, I better not fail too badly.


Hopefully after that’s over, I can get back in habit of writing/art/bzp stuff. I can’t wait until I graduate…ever since I moved my motivation for school has been zilch, I hate teaching myself and being stuck inside the house 24/7.


I'm craving ramen noodles and to have a SG1 marathon—sadly, school is glaring at me, so I must depart.


Oh, I command everyone to give Nikira cookies, kittens, and hugs. She’s awesome and such a dear. Do not try to deny it.



Also, please remember.


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I can’t wait until I graduate…ever since I moved my motivation for school has been zilch, I hate teaching myself and being stuck inside the house 24/7.




And *gives Niki the cookies*



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I'd give Nikki a hug, but I guess that's Smeags monopoly. Have cookies and milk instead *hands Nikki cookies and Milk*


Keep going with the studying. It feels so stressing, but the feeling of accomplishment afterwards is worth every minute spent on it ;)

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I can’t wait until I graduate…ever since I moved my motivation for school has been zilch, I hate teaching myself and being stuck inside the house 24/7.


I'm in the same situation... It can definitely be tough. :/


Best of luck on the test, though. :)


The critics agree: Niki is awesome!

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I'm craving ramen noodles and to have a SG1 marathon...


I just discovered SG-1 a few days ago. It's awesome. *grin*


In other news, work hard on that test--You can make it. :P



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Oi, tests. Everyone's favorite word....hai..png

I suggest eating chocolate right before you take the test. (or as close to the start as you can get.) I'm serious, like a hershey's or something. It really helps you not space-out while taking the test. (which of course, is important. Schalorships!)

Hope you do okay, LK.

I'm gonna go give Niki her cookie, hug, and kitten now. (in that order?)



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I'm in the same situation... It can definitely be tough. :/

I'm glad I'm not the only one like this. I was fine before I moved--and well, then stuff happened, and now I just can't wait to move on with my life.


I just discovered SG-1 a few days ago. It's awesome. *grin*

Just a few days ago? Where were you living? Under a rock? Well, don't answer that, but I am happy you are now enlightened by the awesomeness of Teal'c.


I'm gonna go give Niki her cookie, hug, and kitten now. (in that order?)

Yes. If you don't I'll feed you to my cat Gibbs--I don't know what he thinks about human flesh, but lets not take the risk, okay?

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Oooooh. The ACT. Fun thing, that.


I had to take it as a Freshman for some special college test-thingy, and I didn't do so well, but that's life. Just go do well and knock their socks off, okay? :P

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This is probably coming a little late (Don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. :P), but good luck on the tests, and don't get too stressed about them. :)
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No, NO! I REFUSE TO GIVE NIKIRA A COOKIE. THEY ARE ALL MINE I TELL YOU, MINE!!!!!!........Ah fine "Hands Nikira a cookie!

Hope you do well on the ACT LK!

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