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Weekly Update - 9/11

Black Six



I'd like to thank everyone using the 'remember-usa' avatar today. We have all changed since 9/11, but we will never forget.


Now, onto the update.



There's been a bunch of video updates for The Legend Reborn this week, so many, in fact, that I'm not going to even link to them. Just check out the front page. There's been some interesting footage in these videos that really has me looking forward to the movie coming out on September 15th. Four more days.


We also had the rest of our BrickFair MOC coverage. If you haven't checked it all out yet, you should. There was a lot of fun to be had and a lot of great creations. Hope to see you all next year!


The 'oddest piece of news for the week' award goes to the Bionicle Augmented Reality Game. I still haven't played yet (maybe later tonight). It just seems very random, although it's a very interesting concept. It came as a bit of a surprise though, and who doesn't like surprises?


In other news, we should have a review going up this weekend too. I'll let you guess as to what set it is and who the reviewer is. :P


We're also working on getting some links up for the Powercast on the front page, need to make some fancy images, and then I need to find time to update the code (and not be lazy). Not much else going on behind the scenes that I can talk about right now, sorry.



1a. Have you ever heard of Ska music?

1b. Do you like it?


2. What was your most recent set?


3. You said you do most of your shopping online, does that include groceries?


4. What car do you have?


5. Is it petrol or diesel?


6. What was your best subject at school?


7. What was your worst subject at school?

1a. Yes.

1b. Not a big fan, no.

2. Hmm, I'm not sure. Probably one of the Mistika or Phantoka from last year.

3. No, I haven't gotten to that point yet.

4. A 2001 Subaru Forester.

5. I live in the US, so very few cars use diesel, and mine is not among them. It doesn't use petrol either, it uses gasoline. ;)

6. Math? Physics? Programming? Pick one.

7. I guess history, I never was a fan of all the memorization.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Never forget what happened eight years ago today, but don't let it prevent you from having a good weekend. See you all later!


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Well, DV's been doing a lot of reviews lately, so I'll just take a shot in the dark here and guess that Vastus is being reviewed by DV?


-=< :flagusa: >=-

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In other news, we should have a review going up this weekend too. I'll let you guess as to what set it is and who the reviewer is. :)

I know the answer to both of the questions. :P


Also, I sent you an idea for one of those fancy images. ;)


Thanks for the update!


~Gata. ;)

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My guess is it's probably the giant group review from brickfair. The set, oh, probably the giant mata nui. If not, then it's one you haven't done yet. :P (boy, wouldn't it be a shocker if it wasn't)

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I tried playing that game without the printout, but wacky face gestures didn't work for me. I guess I need to actually find a printer...



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I was expecting your car to be a Vauxhall or Ford or some other awful car brand.

Subaru’s aren’t bad though.



I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take that comment...


My Subaru is wonderful though, plenty of space for toting stuff around (or bringing two other people and a ton of prototypes, shirts, and other stuff to BrickFair), amazing All-Wheel-Drive (I would never buy a car without it), and somewhat passable gas mileage.

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Well my Dad has this odd stereotype that everyone in America has got a rubbish little Ford or Vauxhall.


I can prove him wrong now =D


BTW I've never been in a Ford but Vauxhalls are just blargh.


Another BTW, my Dad has never been to America. XD

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I was expecting your car to be a Vauxhall or Ford or some other awful car brand.

I don't even know what a 'Vauxhall' is.

Indeed, those aren't even available in the US.

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Well my Dad has this odd stereotype that everyone in America has got a rubbish little Ford or Vauxhall.

As my dad says, the American motto isn't 'eeeeeee' of those eletric/hybrid/energy effectant cars. It's 'VVVVRRRMMMM' of those huge trucks. :P


A good entry, though why is it that one guy has been doing all the reviews lately?

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Well my Dad has this odd stereotype that everyone in America has got a rubbish little Ford or Vauxhall.


I can prove him wrong now =D


BTW I've never been in a Ford but Vauxhalls are just blargh.


Another BTW, my Dad has never been to America. XD


Vauxall isn't an available brand in America, and everyone doesn't drive a Ford or a GM made car. There are a lot of American cars on the road yes, but there are just as many Japanese cars, trust me. :P


Edit: Thanks for changing that to "Japanese cars", I was in a hury to type the message because I was going to watch my brother play xbox. :)

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I was expecting your car to be a Vauxhall or Ford or some other awful car brand.

I don't even know what a 'Vauxhall' is.

Indeed, those aren't even available in the US.


They're also known as Opel, if that rings any bells.




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I was expecting your car to be a Vauxhall or Ford or some other awful car brand.

I don't even know what a 'Vauxhall' is.

Indeed, those aren't even available in the US.


They're also known as Opel, if that rings any bells.




Opel doesn't sell here either, although GM does own them, and they're know as Saturn over here. That is really the only decent American motor company I know of besides Saleen.

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A good entry, though why is it that one guy has been doing all the reviews lately?

Because he's awesome.

I have to disagree there, at least on matters of set reviews.

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I was expecting your car to be a Vauxhall or Ford or some other awful car brand.

I don't even know what a 'Vauxhall' is.

Indeed, those aren't even available in the US.


They're also known as Opel, if that rings any bells.




Opel doesn't sell here either, although GM does own them, and they're know as Saturn over here. That is really the only decent American motor company I know of besides Saleen.

Yeah, a few Opel's are imported and re-badged as Saturn's though I don't where your dad get's the idea that they are "rubbish." Quite a few, especially the Insignia, get quite high marks.


Not to mention that Ford vehicles are some of the best in their respective classes on the road these days. I'd say your dad is definitely playing up some good ol' American stereotypes.

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A good entry, though why is it that one guy has been doing all the reviews lately?
I'm not sure what are you talking about. The last few reviews were done by different people.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


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