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Giving It 110%



How many times do you hear this expression on TV/in gym class? Have you ever wondered if its possible for something to function at 110% capacity? Well I'm here today to tell you that it is.


Last Thursday, the general consensus was that my computer was working at 100%. It had no errors, spyware, viruses, and it worked at a pretty good speed. Then, for some reason or other, disaster struck. Programs kept shutting down on their own, Firefox wouldn't open, my firewall wouldn't activate... After rebooting it several times and giving it many virus scans, I was able to get the computer to a state so that the firewall was working again. A few more virus scans and deleting of certain files and now everything is working great. The best part is that I now have updated versions of Firefox and Flash, as they had been infected by the virus as well.


So now everything is back to normal and I have two new spiffy programs. As my computer is working better than it was before, it is therefore working at 110%.


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That was very confusing, in some way. But, great job, man! All of that cruel, annoying, gruesome work and this is what you get! :P Too scary? Now 110% exsist!


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Kopeke said it best:




I thought Matoro said that...


Anyway, congratulations on achieving the statistically impossible, SPIRIT!

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Kopeke said it best:




I thought Matoro said that...


Anyway, congratulations on achieving the statistically impossible, SPIRIT!

No Matoro is talkative.


Congrats. Would you still rather have a the new Vista?

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