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Here's The Deal



BrickCon is this October (well, at the very, very beginning of the month). We've got most of the cool people on the west coast coming (although some of you seem to be holding out for... phif, financial reasons. I'm sure you could sell one of your limbs in time to make it) But all those cool east coaster people seem to think it's a little out of their way to come to Seattle and instead tell us we should come to DC for Brickfair.


So I've been thinking about it. My sister's flaunting her last year in high school by wanting to go all over the place... you know, to "check out schools" in Arizona or "play with the band" in Disney Land. All I got to do in my senior year was go to NYC on a winning raffle ticket with my drama buddies... *shuts up now*


Except, seriously, I haven't really gone anywhere in these last two years except from home to school (and a few grueling hikes in between). I would like to attend BrickFair next year... even if the dates don't work. If I want to take summer classes again, it would conflict with the earlier Brickfair schedule (mostly because my school's an extremely late starter so by the time I'm finishing summer school and enjoying a few weeks off, everybody else's summer vacation is over and they're heading back to class) But I don't have my summer planned... my dads threatening to send me off to a work camp, and I may also have to get a job (y'know, a real job) next summer. So BrickFair seems a little low on the list.


But here's what I'll do. I'll be working part time during the school year, so every payday I'll put a little money on the side for BrickFair. If, by spring, I have enough for a plane ticket and admission, I'll consider it, and then try to work my schedule around it. Besides, after slaving away at school for two (or, as it will be by then, three) years, I could use a four day trip to somewhere new. Right? *crickets chirp* (Oh, and plus all my old roommates and practically everybody else I know in college has gone on some fancy, far away vacation, either this spring or this summer, or both. Why must I be left out, even if I am probably comparing myself to a bunch of rich spoiled brats [none of them know about BZP, so it's safe to say that])


Furthermore, there's a certain someone who make a little remark about how the west coast is the "worst coast" and I may have to go and talk to him about that... even if he is bigger, tougher, and has waaay more authority than me. (Hey, might as well go out in a bang)




(Oh, and BrickCon is the week of my first week of fall classes. So much for "skipping" any on Thursday or Friday. :lookaround:


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D'you know the date for BrickFair? If it's not during the school year, I might save up...


I'm only in eighth grade, but hey, maybe my parents will let their irresponsible 14-year-old child with a tendency to get into more trouble than he's worth go alone on a four-day trip to Virginia.




Well, I wouldn't have to pay airfare, coming from NC. :P

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BrickFair 2010 is August 5-8. 14-year-olds can not attend without an adult/parent with them AT ALL TIMES. Sorry, but at your age they probably will not let you wander around alone.



Anyway, Xccj (when are you going to go back to "xccj"?), good luck on coming over here to the east coast. We'd love to have you, even if you can't pop in a few days early to tour DC with us.



(And actually, I'm not going to know if I'll be able to come until March.)

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Furthermore, there's a certain someone who make a little remark about how the west coast is the "worst coast" and I may have to go and talk to him about that... even if he is bigger, tougher, and has waaay more authority than me.

Woah, woah, woah. Who's been saying that we're the "worst coast"? That's just plain rude.

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East is overpopulated at best.


West is best. (Or you can even skive California off the list and just count the northwest)


And why does it make a difference if my name has a capital X or a lowercase x?



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