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Bridge Of Khazad Dum



Truly is there anything more epic than the Lord of the Rings trilogy? The writing is stuff of legend (or whatever... it's certainly weathered the ages well). And the movies... the only example I can think of where the movies based off the books are actually decent, if not spectacular.


So I'm going to watch the extended trilogy this weekend while my parents are away (no needless nagging... ha) I just finished the Fellowship, which I haven't seen in years, and I still love it. It's one of those movies you can watch a million times and still see something new. Plus, I don't think I've gone through all the extra content the first time I got the set, so there's some new stuff for me to watch there too. I do know they recently released another set with even more content (extra feature wise) and the setup I have I only got in 03 or 04, right after the last movie was released. But, hey, it's still great. I look forward to watching Two Towers and Return of the King this weekend, because those also had alot more action scenes in them.


Ah, to waste time in the summer, and still not find the inspiration to do BZP writing stuffs.


Oh, and as for the title, that is my favorite piece of music from all the films. It's the part right after they've fought the cave troll and are running from the Balrog. It's just heart pumping, action music... so good. Even after 8 or so years of hearing it, I still think it's awesome.




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Yes, truly those films had some of the best music in soundtrack history. Iconic and easy to remember, you can just listen to a piece and think "oh, yeah, this is associated with <insert name here> so it goes <insert film moment here>"

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Monday is the 72nd anniversary of The Hobbit, when it was first published.


LotR is the fiction book ever written. At the time, it was just so darned original! I could read it again and again- RotK and it's movie counterpart are both brilliant.


"Thank you, Sam," he said in a cracked whisper. "How far is there to go?"


"I don't know," said Sam, "because I don't know where we're going."

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I own the extended DVD trilogy, too. Return of the King is especially epic. But I'm thinking I'll reread the books before rewatching the films.



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I read the books a hundred times; I was such an odd child at the age of around twelve, reading those huge books--but I loved the time when my dad read them to my sister and I, and he did some of the voices to the characters. Oh good times, I wish he'd do it again...


Tolkien is my favorite author, and no one can get tired of the books. I'd love to reread them again soon. Movies are good too. You know how many movies that are based after fantasy books and are actually good? I'm rather thankful for that.

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:D I'm rereading the book right now...and I'm on the chapter "Journey in the Dark" right before the "Bridge of Khazad Dum" chapter, so your title caught my eye!! The books(and movies!) are both just so...EPIC.
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