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2010 Musings

Master of the Rahkshi


Rrrrgh. Apologies for not keeping my promise to post on Saturday; that day turned out to be...interesting. I am also sad at not being able to officially observe Talk Like a Pirate Day, in my opinion one of the more random, and therefore enjoyable, holidays. Anyways, updates.


Not much on the me front lately. College continues as usual, insanity levels are well within acceptable deviations for now, and writing continues to be stuck. I have an idea on that front, but more on that in a bit.


On the storyline front...the 2010 sets. Well. An interesting development, to be sure. Not certain where this is going to go, as LEGO normally has us restrict data flow on new stuff when it first gets out (a lot of the images on Flickr seem to have disappeared), so I'm going to put this stuff in spoiler tags just in case and delete it if required

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Okay. So. New sets appear to be slight artistic deviations of a number of older, and newer, popular sets. We have Tahu Mata, Gresh, a Skrall, a yellow Rahkshi, a strangely silver Takanuva, and an un-mutated Vezok. This is an unexpected turn of events, for me, at least, coupled with Greg's assurance that next year we would be informed of Mata Nui's grand purpose. This has caused a number of theories to pop up in my head, and in the heads of others I work with. A few of those theories:


1. 2010 is a flashback year, possibly told by Mata Nui. To celebrate 10 years of Bionicle, and to pave the way for the new story, the team has decided to essentially recap all events up to current date. This explains the old-school characters, some in untransformed state, and the golden pieces, which are part of the special event.

Cons: Doesn't explain the yellow Rahkshi or the silver Takanuva. Silver Takanuva could be a representation of the half-shadow Toa who came to the Nuva's assistance in Karda Nui, but I'm not convinced of that.

2. 2010 takes place in an alternate universe(s). This explains the old-school characters and variations of known characters. Things are different, but not so different that they are unrecognizable. The easiest foil for this story would be the reality-jumping Vezon. This would help to explain Mata Nui's purpose, as it would be simple for him to slide into a universe where that purpose has been achieved/is in the process of being achieved, and for some helpful bystander to explain or for the madman to simply see for himself. This is by far my favorite theory.

Cons: If the story does indeed follow Vezon's random jumping, which is the easiest way to handle this theory, then why isn't he a set himself? Maybe he is, and we haven't seen him yet, but I'd think there would be some indication. Also doesn't sound like the way LEGO normally sets up the main storyline.

3. Time travel. This is really far out there, as even Greg has denied that time travel exists, but it must be mentioned here. I think the cons are obvious. And if that has to be mentioned, then also must be mentioned the possibility of...

4. A backup universe. Why leave things to chance, weigh everything on just one unit? Wouldn't it make sense to create a backup system, or simply a copy? Perhaps Mata Nui encounters this doppleganger, and goes inside to recruit the oddly familiar otherworld inhabitants in his fight against Teridax.

Cons: Too complicated.

5. The silver Takanuva is the alternate-reality shadow Takanuva that escaped Destral's destruction. This interesting chap was entertaining the possibility of destroying the universe when he waltzed away into the night, and I've always been wondering what he's been up to. No cons, as such, as it's really a long shot anyways.

6. The yellow Rahkshi is not simply a remake of the 03 baddies, but a character in his/her/its own right, i.e. a shadow kraata. Matoran/Toa/Turaga-level intelligence, superb control over its powers, fully capable of speech, the works. Again, not really many cons to this as it's more a personal wish than a theory.

7. It really is a flashback/recap and set inconsistencies can be explained away by the fact that they're prototypes. The finished product will be very, very different. This is very likely.


So, those are my thoughts on the '10 sets. Feel free to comment on my logic, or lack thereof.


And lastly, my writing project. I think if I'm going to get anywhere, I'll have to start small. As such, I'm going to try my hand at a short story. Not many details yet, except that it's going to focus on one of my favorite characters and his actions in the aftermath of Teridax's usurpation of the Great Spirit throne. It's not going to be completely true to the story, more of a mix between the canon universe and one that I've set up for all of my Bionicle epics-in-progress. I'll start writing it soon, maybe post an excerpt or two if people want. I look forward to it either way.


See yah on Wednesday!


Recommended Comments

Lol Tilius?

I wouldn't trust anything he says about that.


I doubt that they are prototypes, in terms of color and piece molds and all.

I'm going for that it's just some other universe. Hopefully just to take a break from his 9 year line.


We've done Universe Jumping a lot in the serials, so why not now? >.>



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