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Nothing To Say



I have nothing to say in this blog.D:




...oh look, it's almost the end of September. How did that happen? Time just seems to be chasing me wherever I go, beating me over the head with ferrets and screaming "I AM PASSING AS FAST AS POSSIBLE LOL." It's not that there aren't enough hours in a day so much as it seems I'm forced to waste them. For example, today I got called to the office and spent a good twenty minutes or so waiting to resolve an issue that took two minutes to fix. I missed work time in Physics and it was so far into English class when I finally got there that it was already time for us to go to lunch.


Oh look, I actually did have something to say, as soon as I started typing. I'm starved for writing-time. Drawing is easy enough to squeeze into a hectic day, but writing is something I do that takes a lot of quiet concentration. You can't really multi-task while writing. Bah. Junior year is slowly eating up my free time...it's like a big old ugly dragon of doom and despair! FLEE BEFORE IT!



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