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Co-workers, Go To School Please! =o



My co-workers couldn't figure out this riddle that our boss told them, where as I *stands tall* figured it out first, and right away. xD


Okay, here's the riddle. Basic logic, I had a question like this in Geometry once...just with numbers. xD




There's a Wolf, Goat, and a head of lettuce. They are all on one side of a river, and you need to get them all safely across. BUT, you can only take ONE item over at a time. If you leave the Goat and the lettuce together, the goat will eat the lettuce. If you leave the Wolf and the Goat together, the Wolf will eat the goat.


How do you get them all across without them eating eachother? x)


SOLVE (someone get this is five minutes or I'll send you back to K5)


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Take the goat across. Then, take the wolf, but bring the goat back on the way back. Bring the cabbage, leaving the goat. Finally, go back and take the goat.


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I found the answer on some site.
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Ha! My dad played the same thing on me, and he had little paper cutouts for illustrations, too. It was also with the fox, the goose, and the sack of grain. Oh, and the farmer.



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I've heard this one before, multiple times, so I already knew the answer. (Plus, wasn't this also featured in a Simpson's episode?)



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