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Schrödinger's Kitty

-Toa Lhikevikk-


Allow us to preform a thought experiment.


Imagine you have a box. Inside the box is the CEO of The LEGO Group, who happens to be a kitten for some odd reason. Next to the CEO is a sample of radioactive metal, which, over the course of one year, has a 50/50 chance of triggering a sensor. The sensor, when triggered, would send a mind-controlling signal to the CEO telling him to end BIONICLE.


Now, since the metal has a 50/50 chance of ending BIONICLE, the atom would then go both ways. Thanks to quantum superposition, the two possibilties are combined. An observer looking into the box would only see one possibilty, since BIONICLE both ending and continuing is illogical. Once you realize that both are correct, however, you can decide which reality is "real", by rejecting my reality and substituting your own.


Thus, BIONICLE will both end and continue in 2010, so if you don't like whichever outcome you see, remember, quantum superpostion means YOU get to choose. :D




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I'm not going to let some scientist/philosopher tell me a cat is both alive and dead, even if he does have a fancy name. :P


Also there's no such thing as a 'thought experiment'. The whole point of experiments is to get a result. You can't actually carry out an experiment in your head, so you can't get a result, therefore it's not an experiment - it's just a thought. In the same way 'I wonder what my sandwich will taste like if I add all the condiments in the fridge' is just a thought and not a 'thought experiment'. :psychotwitch:

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The irony is that it was Schrödinger who became the stereotypical scientist (straight black hair, huge glasses, kooky smile, etc.) rather than Newton, Bacon, or Einstein.

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