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Second C. I. R. C. L. E. Participation Policy Violation Discussion



It is my sad duty to inform the group that at this point in time Erebus Nuva has failed to participate in five consecutive voting threads. :(


As such, he is in clear violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" and is therefore subject to probable sanctions ranging from "Probation" to "Demotion".


It is now clear that Erebus Nuva has not lost his internet access, rather he said he did not have proper Anti-Virus Protection to use the world wide web, however he has subsequently neglected to accept my offer to provide him with a subscription to McAfee Security Suite.


The "TURAGA COUNCIL" would appreciate it if the rest of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." would please take a moment to post their thoughts on this situation and suggest an appropriate course of action that will be undertaken in one week.





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I say we should consider giving him a few more weeks to participate (since he hasn't logged on in 11 weeks, it would seem that there is something preventing him from accessing the sight, school could have something to do with it, or a lack of internet connection) and if he doesn't participate after a certain amount of time (say another week or two) then i would recommend possible probation.

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My opinion is that we wait another month or so. It wouldn't be fair if we took action against him, and it turns out that he actually couldn't get on for some reason or another. We owe him some more time, since something is clearly off.

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Well... I'd say give him more time, but we've done that for nearly three months- the tnirety of the summer... I would vote for Probation, as he could be moving or... something. I'm osrry, not to clear-headed right now for backup reasoning, but Probation is my vote.




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I'd say that we give Erebus one more week to explain his absence before any judgement gets passed. I have my beliefs that he has lost his internet access without any forewarning and has yet to find another alternative. However, there are many places (libraries, schools, even some restaurants) that provide internet access at little or no cost that I am certain he could find.
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I say we wait before making decisions. I should know best that there are unforseen circumstances where you are unable to get on the internet. So i say we all have a little patience.

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I agree with you that we should wait, Ausar. However, if in the future Erebus fails to respond to more voting threads, I say we put him on double secret probation. :sly:



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Guest kopakanuva13


My opinion is that we wait another month or so. It wouldn't be fair if we took action against him, and it turns out that he actually couldn't get on for some reason or another. We owe him some more time, since something is clearly off.

I agree with Koji in this situation. Since he's been gone so long, there's obviously something up and he should have at least a few weeks to return, considering the length of time he's been gone already.

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I'm not sure I entirely understand the situation; he doesn't have anti-virus software but refuses to get any? If that's the case, I'm afraid I can't really make a judgment on this until he can provide an explanation as to why he didn't accept what you offered him. Unless he has a good reason for failing to get this software, my first suggestion would be Probation; however depending on the circumstances it might be reasonable to give him more time.

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Wait... he refused?

Dont know what to think about that... did he give a reason. Unless he want to keep Kapersky as his anti virus system as I know he used that.



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After reading everybodies opinion of my abscense I throw myself at the councils mercy. Currently I am at a computer in the p[ublic library after reading a message that Zahaku sent me over Xbox Live convinced me to explain my disappearance.


As some people are well aware my internet connection went out a few months ago. No sooner Had I gotten that back online did my antivirus program go out. I have stayed away from the internet because the last thing I need right now is a virus on my laptop. Two weeks ago I was fired from my job and have absolutely no money so I can't afford to renew my subscription.


Ausar while I do appreciate your offer to give me a subscription for a antivirus program, I cannot accept it, I just have never been one to take charity. I apologise to every C.I.R.C.L.E member for the inconvenience I have caused and will not hold a grudge if you cut me off from the C.I.R.C.L.E completeley. I should have a new job within the month and I will renew my subscription and hopefully continue to visit BZP.





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I'm sorry to hear about your spat of bad luck and hope to have you back soon.


Regardless, fear not, we won't outright expel you from the group, no matter how much you want us to. :P


Anyway, it's not really charity the way I look at it because I've paid for service on up to seven computers and only have use for four myself, but the decision is obviously still yours to make.


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His situation does seem that it ought to excuse him somewhat. He really should get some kind of anti-virus program as soon as he can, though.

Good luck with the job search.

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