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Randum Rawr



Okay, so the following is the result of me going all silly after Nukaya and I talked about using our college education to make a business with some friends.



SunlitEquinox: ok, but what would our buisness be?

EmperorWhenua: see, that's the only problem...

EmperorWhenua: iDunno

SunlitEquinox: hmm....

EmperorWhenua: we could be one of those obscure companies with generic names

EmperorWhenua: we'll be... The Company Inc.

SunlitEquinox: ha!

EmperorWhenua: "Hi, is this a store?"

"Yes, sir, in a manner of speaking."

"What do you sell?"

"Take a looka round."

"The room is bare."


"So how can you sell anything if nobody can see it?"

"A good question from a discerning mind, to which I ask another question in return: what would we want to sell?"

"I don't know. What do you sell?"

"Take a look around."


SunlitEquinox: omg. we sell the invisible book of invisibility

SunlitEquinox: :P

EmperorWhenua: "I was only kidding. We sell the magical invisible book of invisibility, sir."

"May I see it?"

"You are seeing it right now."

"Where is it?"

"Right there."



"Where is there?"

"Not here."

SunlitEquinox: tee hee

EmperorWhenua: "You're a scam!"

"No, we're The Company, Inc.!"

"You're all con-artists!"

"No, we all have college degrees. I have a degree in business and sociology, Maddison over there has degrees in art and communications, Caleb has degrees in computers and engineering, and Shyliowh outside has a PH.d in tooshie-kicking. So in other words, we're too cool to be con artists. Though... we do have an artist."

SunlitEquinox: haha!

EmperorWhenua: "I'm going to report you to the authorities!"

"Under what basis? The only thing we did was talk, and under no circumstances did I harass you, threaten you, or bribe you. You have nothing on us. And if you want to see us in court, well, we also have a lawyer, she's just not in today because she's in court over a lawsuit someone just like you did to us. Oh, and before you leave, that's twenty bucks for this conversation."

EmperorWhenua: and that's how we'll make money

SunlitEquinox: ha, very nice


EmperorWhenua: "Hi, wanna buy?"

"Buy what?"


"What is it?"

"It is it."

"Okay, but what exactly is it that it is?"



"It is that."

SunlitEquinox: :o

EmperorWhenua: "What is that?"


"Arrgh! Tell me what I would be buying!"


"Show it to me."

"I can't."

"Why not!??"

"Because... you're not special enough. Wanna buy it?"


"Why not?"

"Because you refuse to show it to me."

"I'm showing it to you right now."

"Where is it?"

"Can't you see it?"


"Exactly. Wanna buy it?"

SunlitEquinox: hahahaha


EmperorWhenua: "Yo dawg, I'm really happy for you and Ima let you finish, but fork over all yo money, brotha."

"What money?"

"This is a store, ain't it? Now hand it over."

"I have no money."

"Very funny, now give it to me."


"Why the heck not? You scared, brotha?"

"Why would I be scared? I did nothing wrong."

"Your'e a real treasure. Not give me your money before I blow yo brains out."

".... Nuh duh."

SunlitEquinox: ha!

EmperorWhenua: "What the heck?"

"... Nuh duh."


"... Nuh duh!"

"Okay, this is creepin' me out..."

"Nuh duh nuh duh nuh duh..."

"Whatever, bro. Now give me yo money now!"


[insert Shyliowh in shark suit here]

SunlitEquinox: i was about to say.....this is going to involve shyliowh and a shark suit, isnt it?

EmperorWhenua: he's the one with the PH.d in tooshie-kicking

SunlitEquinox: yeppers

EmperorWhenua: these would make a great blog entry =D

SunlitEquinox: YES



And so, here it is. =D




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We need a shark suit.





Oh man, I'm starting to imagine every conversation being like this at BrickFair....



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