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The Mt Report: September 2009

MT Zehvor


So far I'm having trouble coming up with names that stick for this part. We'll try this and see where it goes.


The WIN list


Invictus: In the world of ever increasing fail, it's getting increasingly harder to take advantage of circumstances and win at the same time. But Mange found a way to do it, and you can all see: kick_out_bed.png

Score= Mange 1, QQQQ 0


Halo ODST: EPIC WIN. MORE EPIC WIN. MORE EPIC WIN IN A BOX. (I must be new video game deficient)


KTM: Double win? Revamped Kazi epicly to make a cool self MoC, and then he did a very nice Kiina drawing. The Antroz was a little weird though.


SNL: I can't say I've seen it be any funnier. Especially their weekend update thing. If you aren't watching it now, you need to be.


The FAIL list


British Restaurants: Not only does one actually serve bacon and egg ice cream, but it was sued by a customer who got sick from eating it. Quite honestly, why the heck would anyone order that anyway? I think a person who actually is that stupid should lose the right to sue.


Comic Maker Arguments: Really starting to annoy me. All this Xanis vs. whatever it is now. Can we just appreciate the comics for the point it's making and not just the image? It's like rating a video game on it's graphics and not on the plot or gameplay.


H1 N1 Paranoia: Starting to get on my nerves. Everyone is so afraid of it now, and from the people I know who have had it, it's not that bad. (apparently having regular flu is worse) Everyone calm down. It's not like this is some pandemic that is going to take over the world.


Robbers: Apparently there's been a string of church robberies on the west coast lately, none that I have known about more than Levacius' church, which was robbed last week. But the robber left his knife there, which was coated with his fingerprints. Fail once. Meanwhile, a bank robber accidentally dropped his I.D. card on the way out. Fail twice. Another robber tried to climb through a window and got his shoelace caught inbetween the two sliding parts of the window, where he hung upside down trying to get himself free(apparently his foot didn't fall out of his shoe) until the owner of the house came. And that's your TRIPLE FAIL.



Quote of the month:

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways.



FAIL picture of the month.

You'll have to work(a little) for this one. Go to Google and type in "I am extremely." You probably don't need anything past the e. Results are hilarious.


WIN music of the month.

Noxus theme.(google it) Yay for Noxusness. (Richard Noxus, anyone?)


Looking forward to October...


MLB Playoffs: (Does anyone care?) I just had to throw that out there. No clue when it is.


October 14-16: I will be gone during Fall Break on a trip to try and help one of my aunts in a messy divorce. As much as I like getting off school, this isn't going to be fun.


October 16: National Boss Day. (LIKE A BOSS) Anyone who is a boss, celebrate! Or celebrate anyway if you need an excuse to celebrate.


October 31: Halloween. The day I go out and shoot anyone who attempts to TP with a paintball. (I took Calvin's dad's example, only I upped the ante a bit)




Recommended Comments

Yeah, I gotta agree about the H1 N1. I had it, and the regular flu is WAY worse. o_o


Nice work, except you didn't include THEDUDEOFDUDEZ or Anna. =/



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