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Feature Movies



Now that I'm free from school, I have so much free time on my hands, it's not even funny. To entertain myself, I've decided to re-watch some of the movies I have. Today, I watch Fellowship of the Ring and I'm glad to say that I actually understood what was going on this time. Although the Gandalf vs. Saruman scenes could have used a little more pyrotechnics, I have a much better appreciation for the movie. In the days to come I'll be watching the rest of the series and a few other random movies, other than that, I'll either be sleeping or being on BZP. Ahh... life is good. :D


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Ah...sleeping in, watchin' DVD's, and logging on for 14 hours straight on the forums. What a way to spend the summer, huh? :lol:


I get lost halfway through all three of the LoTR films. They're cool... I just don't really understand them. :blink:



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I get lost halfway through all three of the LoTR films. They're cool... I just don't really understand them. :blink:

Me too, that's why I'm so pleased with myself at FINALLY understanding what's happening.

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