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Shook A Vending Machine




I walked past the vending machine today and saw a bag of chips kinda hanging out on the edge of the rack. Oh my, I thought, it must have made someone mad earlier in the day. Stuck food. Grr. But it looked good, and now that I'd seen them I kind of wanted them, so I decided to shake the machine.

My mom, who was with me, watched. Nothing happened. I shook it just a little again, not feeling quite up to shaking a huge, heavy metal thingy that dispenses snacks to people with pocket change. Still nothing. I rapped on the glass/plastic window. "That's not going to do anything, honey," said my mom.

So I took hold of the vender on either side, held tight with both hands, and shook and shook and shook...

... and now I have a bag of Baked cheddar and sour cream chips!

I, of course, giggled in delight, because this was certainly the highlight of my day. Shaking a vending machine to get a free snack. My mom smiled a bit but shook her head (like good mothers should) and commented with sarcasm, "You'll make a horrible mother some day." Teaching my kids to check for lost change or even - gasp - shaking a vending machine.

I suppose I won't have to teach them anything. I'll just stand there and watch them do it, smiling but shaking my head. Hey, I turned out OK. Besides a few coercive quirks.


--------- EDIT: HAY LOOK apparently I got my six-year spinny in July! sixyear.gif I remember July. I was too busy working two jobs to get on the internet and notice. Well now I'm noticing. It's so pretty. I feel old. And my rank image is still in the Nuva Ages. It's Old Hat, but a small number of posts would make me seem... new. So does this make me look young or old?


Recommended Comments

Sir Dalyk - you silly boy :P


Six - Poor old Brooks. :( One day, when we have long gray beards and two or three marbles rollin' around upstairs, they'll let us out, too. Institutionalized.


Speed - Good thing my mom was there, then. She could see it fall on me then shout "CAREFUL!" like any good mother.

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Janus - Cats DO have nine lives. :sly:


HH - omigosh! I LOVE Christmas presents! Especially secret ones! ... sowannatellmewhatitis?

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