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So Why Vf Isn't Very Active Right Now

Vezok's Friend


It has been quite a busy week for me, though not as stressful as one might expect.


Starting with thursday/friday last week, where I had to get up at 5am to get to work at 6am. They were cleaning out a storage room with files dating back over 30 years. First my colleague and I had to move them out of the room into the hallway, and then into another hallway where we also had to sort them into shelves.

And afterwards we had to get back to our respective jobs in patient-care to work the remainder of our shift.

Luckily we got decent breakfast.


My mothers longest friend celebrated her birthday on the weekend as well, which was a cake and food-filled experience, though fun, since I got to talk to some very nice people and see some of the features an iPhone had to offer. Quite the amazing little tool.


The following week wasn't much better work-wise, but the mood went upwards nonetheless, which was a huge relief since I find it hard to work in an environment with people constantly bumping into each other.

The patients kept me busy all shift from 8 to 4, whether they were having requests or needed to be brought someplace to get an x-ray done or the like. Not to complain though, after all its what I'm getting paid for, besides I am still grateful that there is no paperwork to care of in the afternoon.


Finally though, I managed to finish the last piece of Artwork that goes into my Portfolio for my art-school/institute application for next year.

We had guests over that evening, former colleagues of my dad, so that was a nice evening as well, and since I managed to get the artwork done it was easy to just relax without knowing there is work waiting for me.

I need to find a good copyshop where I can print my portfolio though.


Anyway, all the new art in the works, 5 pieces in total, are now all just for fun and should be done sometime in the near future :P


Although there wont be much progress this weekend.

The brass-orchestra I play 1st Bugle in is in the process of recording a CD this weekend and the result should be available at the end of November.

I even play a solo-part in one arrangement. I give you a hint: Cpt. Jack Sparrow ;)


So, this is basically what's going on right now. Fun times ^^


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