Heya! It's been a while, huh? January marked my 4 year anniversary here at LEGO. It doesn't feel like that long at all. Everything is still awesome and so the list grows: 60222 - Snow Groomer This one is very dear to me. When I was a kid, my family would often go skiing for the winter holidays and inevitably, I would try to build the snow groomers I saw out on the slopes once we got back home. So you can imagine the excitement when it was decided to have one in our 2019 gre
Super Excited to finally show y’all my first official LEGO Set! Our LEGO City Volcano Explorers need to go places, so they need a big truck to get there. Worked on this for about 6 months last year. Still doesn’t feel quite real that this little thing I was brooding over on my desk is now shipping worldwide!
As previously mentioned, during my recruitment workshop there was a camera team, putting together a documentary about getting the design job and the company in general. Very interesting and aside from my colleague Justin in Super Heroes, I show up in the background every now and then, not to mention our very own 55555 ^^
Hope you get a little glimpse behind the scenes!
Much better than I feared, not as good as I'd hoped. Major props to the art department of the film, the movie looks great and the CGI was really well-integrated. Scenes where characters and dinos were interacting in closeups looked really nice and it actually felt like an actual creature was there and getting touched, not just a green-skinned thing that was replaced later. I think some animatronics were used, but it's hard to tell. The premise of the new bad dino is also cool, turning living
Hey everybody, I know it's been quiet again for a few days. Which has mostly to do with the fact that I'm working on the usual secret stuff. BUT, today I can give you a heads up for something, if you have access to British television!
When I applied for the job, the Channel 4 TV crew were with us at the recruitment workshop, documenting the journey of my colleague Justin from application to starting the job. Normally these recruitment workshops are not open to the public, so if you wan
My Inquisitor Yandra Adaar. Dragon Age Inquisition was one of the few games in the past couple of years that managed to drag me into its world from the word go. In no small part thanks to the work of the ever-awesome Matt Rhodes, who's style this is loosely based on. Definitely not the last time I draw Lady Adaar ^^
If you haven't guessed yet - the title is a Mad Max reference. I saw it last Thursday here in Denmark and it is an amazing, amazing movie. Not in the way of breaking new ground, since it basically comes down to a 1 hour 45 minute chase, but the way Miller made his movie really shows how to do an action movie like this. Every frame is just wonderful and a little piece of art IMO. But enough gushing, I actually am working on something for myself and since it's all in LDD I can show a WIP too! Sh
Hey y'all! It's gotten a bit quiet here the last 2 months or so. I hadn't planned on that, but you know if you want to make the great beings laugh, just tell them your plans. Usually what gets in the way of writing a blog is the inevitable need for sleep and a number of other free-time activities, such as participation in the BZPRPG, hitting the gym and catching up on art and PC games a little. But mostly it is my tendency of staying longer at work, which leaves very little time to actually si
Hey folks, it's been a quiet few days, but settling in here and just adjusting to everything has been quite exhausting, so coming home there is little will to go on social media and such. However, today there was finally time to go through the pictures that were taken the past couple of weeks and I can show some of the things I've been working on here finally. LEGO World happened last weekend and the Wednesday before it me and a a few others from the City design team headed down to Copenhagen to
I am currently buys helping the team with preparations for LEGO World in Copenhagen, which will start on the 12th of Febuary, (so even before NY Toy fair, for those of you hungry for news). It's apparently a public event, so if you happen to live in or are in Denmark at the time, seems like a cool thing to check out. Also there will be a display which I had my hands on, so it will also be the first time something I built at work becomes public. https://www.legoworld.dk/
I just realized I've been working here for 3 weeks now and have probably gone through 10000 bricks or more, easily. I guess as being hired from the AFOL community, building stuff just for fun after hours as a hobby is not as common as one would think. It is a job after all, even if it's the best in the world so far. But staying a little longer and chatting with the other colleagues is great fun and it's nice to be able to chat for a few hours and exchange thoughts on designs and bounce ideas off
Three weeks pass quickly. Even more so when you have so much fun at work that you start looking forward to Mondays (Crazy, right?) It's been really cold here this week in Billund and I think I saw the sun about three times in total. And this was the view (or lack thereof) on the way home from work tonight. It's just missing the sirens for that real horror game feel. On the upside, quite a number of the new designers have banded together and organized a number of activities despite the
And thus the first week at the new job is over. I've completed my first two work assignments and am currently on my third, which I will get back to on Monday. I can't really talk about them, but it involved new sets and building some larger models of my own design for an upcoming display. I learned and saw so many things, that is really doesn't feel like only one week yet. It actually feels a bit unreal to think that last weekend I was still living in my family's house in my own room. Now this
Dear diary...EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! ...no, no, not going there ^^ Though I have seen my fair share of spaceships and hundreds of other designs today. The day started relatively early compared to my old job and got interesting immediately as I met my colleague who got hired through the same workshop I attended. We had a camera team at the workshop filming some of us for a documentary on Channel 4 on UK television and apparently they hadn't had enough yet since they accompanied us all the way
Happy New Year everybody! Long time no see, eh? Even longer since I had anything to blog about. But that's about to change. Tomorrow I'm flying to Denmark to start my new job on Tuesday. Amazing to think that in more or less 48 hours I'll be a part of the LEGO design team in Billund. Allons-y!
As those of you who play with me in the BZPRPG have probably noticed, I suddenly dropped out of activity last week. The reason for that is that I got the incredible opportunity to work at the Star Wars: The Old Republic booth at GamesCom in Cologne this year, via contacts I got from school. We met the previous weekend for the initial briefing; and after clearing up all questions, we drove to Cologne on Tuesday, where we moved into the flats we would have during the week and to get our on-sit
Thanks guys! I hope this blog does help us to organize these things better. Even though I've GMed a whole RPG before, running a group within the BZPRPG is something I am not 100% sure how to manage yet. So, you'll get to participate quite a bit ^^ Active members: -Rhow -Iraanus -Destian -Taoki -Kahlynn -Viloz -Sookus -Mortis Group code (Well, more like...'guidelines' ): -The horde is a mercenary fighting force mainly comprised of Skakdi members. Other species are welcome, but they hav
Had the rare opportunity to see one of the few concerts legendary BÖC were ginving in Germany. Granted, I did not know all their songs before going, but I always liked their hits and they certainly delivered! Best money ever spent this year! Probably should have brought a cowbell for Don't fear the reaper, just for fun ^^ Cheers!
Hey guys. Nothing new from, except more art on the way, but today I am not here to blog about anything related to me. Crimson Jester, which all of you who ever stepped into the the BZPRPG in the past few years should know, at least by the name, has asked me to let you all know that he's currently taking some time off BZP. He lost two good friends this month, so you know why. Stay safe everybody.
Yup! Off to Scotland, specifically, Edinburgh. I have no clue what the city will be like, none at all, but one thing is sure: It's time to learn a new English accent =D I'll be back by monday night and I will have a laptop with me over the weekend, just don't expect me to post much. Judging by the activity on my blog here, I'm sure that won't be a problem Stay safe everyone!
I have to admit, I have not made a whole Toa Team at once before. It's a little harder than expected, but a lot of fun as well to write the backstory of six Toa, rather than just one. But it's fun to see what different inspirations can create in combination. In this case, you take Bram Stoker, add Prototype and supernatural beings and throw in some good old-fashionied Bionicle-Mystery on top. I think those of you who play will like the result. Now, I just hope NM approves these guys once I s
So soon? Yes indeed! Keep your eyes open for the next few days, another character-illustration approaches! In the meantime, a public service-announcement from Lenny the Lemon-Shark!