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360 Or Wii?



I dunno. I just dunno. I want to get one of them, but I don't know which. And no, both isn't an option. Now, if Santa would bring me that darned money tree that I've been asking for the last few years, then it wouldn't be a problem. Only thing is, Santa doesn't like me anymore... Apparently Dasher (or was is Prancer?) found something in the kitchen other than cookies and milk, and Santa wasn't all too happy about the present he got on his lap. But I really need to know...


360 or Wii?


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WII! Wii. Wii. Definately the Wii. It's cheaper, you've got some good fun-factor with it, and it's innovatively awesome.


Then again, it always depends on your taste. If you're more of an FPS sort of guy, go for the 360.

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WII! Wii. Wii. Definately the Wii. It's cheaper, you've got some good fun-factor with it, and it's innovatively awesome.

Yeah, $150 saved is definitely a major push for the Wii.


Then again, it always depends on your taste. If you're more of an FPS sort of guy, go for the 360.

I never really got into FPS's, mainly because I've only briefly played them. But that is subject to change.

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I would say 360. I ain't a big Nintendo fan, and the last game I'm getting for any Nintendo console is Twilight Princess. But that's just me talking.

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Wii, dude! IMO, it's more fun than the regular console and you're more likely to keep playing it....though I don't know your gaming habits...


Basically, think about what's important to you: innovative, GREAT gameplay or moderately improved graphics. :P And also count up the number of games that are coming out for each system that you're intested in.


If not, Raymondoman8d may be able to give you some impartial advice....


*this post was not biased....*

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Definitely the 360. I'm a fan of both Nintendo and XBox, and I would say 360. The Wii still doesn't have enough games yet, and it's graphics are of less quality than the 360. The 360, however, has great graphics, and has online gaming. Plus, Gears of War owns all games, until Halo 3 comes out. The Wii is more interactive than the 360, have 2 connected controller where you can play like you are actually bowling, playing tennis, fishing, shooting a gun, shooting a bow and arrow, or skating. But really, it's up to the person buying the console.

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I'm getting a Wii, but I'd recommend getting the 360 if you have the choice, and want something now. None of the really promising games for the Wii are coming out until next spring, and a lot of awesome games are upcomin' for the 360, especially some ones with different styles, not just shooters.


Also, the graphical capabilities of the 360 are way better.


So really, just one point: Don't get the PS3.








BOOM! Headshot!

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It depends completely on personal preference. If you like extremely realistic, hardcore gaming, then a 360 is probably best. However, if you want fun, original entertainment, then Wii is best, definately.


Think about this - the Wii is completely original, but does the 360 offer anything new?



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It depends completely on personal preference. If you like extremely realistic, hardcore gaming, then a 360 is probably best. However, if you want fun, original entertainment, then Wii is best, definately.


Think about this - the Wii is completely original, but does the 360 offer anything new?




Wait, so are you saying the 360 isn't entertaining?? I disagree.


The 360 may not have anything "new", but it does have a wide variety of games out right now. The Wii, however, just came out, and only has a few good games so far. It also costs $150 less, which you noted before. No system is "better", they are both extremely fun, and you won't be dissapointed which ever way you go.

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Wii60 for the win!


Get a 360 and play with meeeee.


Then again, it always depends on your taste. If you're more of an FPS sort of guy, go for the 360.

Not totally true, 360 is more than FPS, despite common thinking (in fact, there aren't a great abundance and most of the FPS are multi-console). 360 actually offers a well rounded gaming experience with excellent sports titles, great racing titles, a few RPGs (with more to come including the seldom talked about Mass Effect), a couple shooters, and more.


I'd also suggest a 360 if you are an entertainment buff. It supports custom soundtracks for all games via the Xbox 360 Guide and offers picture and video viewing. It can stream music from your computer and mp3 player (including iPods).


Overall though, the Wii is if you think gaming needs a change (or if you're a Nintendo fanboy :P) and the 360 is if you think gaming is great the way it is (or if you're an Xbox fanboy :P).

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Bah. I'd stick with my Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo. The old game consoles mightn't have been powerful or support much, but they truly were a lot more fun then what we have nowadays.


But on a personal note, get a Wii.

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Bah. I'd stick with my Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo. The old game consoles mightn't have been powerful or support much, but they truly were a lot more fun then what we have nowadays.


But on a personal note, get a Wii.


I agree, back then they had some awesome games, sure the graphics sucked, but the gameplay was awesome. Nowadays almost all the games are either some stupid-dancing game or gangster-themed games.


Every once in awhile you get good new games like MGS, HALO, or Sonic. Nothing will ever beat the classics though, but MGS and HALO come in REAL close.


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Get the Wii, it's awesome. I got it at it's midnight launch and it rocks! Don't know if the 360 has it, but it's also lets you wirely access the internet (for actually exploring websites, not just online play) which is good if you don't have a comp in your room. Also, if you get a 360, than you can't get Zelda. And you'd have to be insane to not get Zelda! :P


- :m::a::r::k:

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*Searces for Kie,finds him,hides with Kie together with omi in schizo's closet.Throws party and invites all ps3 lovers.*

Seriously,just get wich one you want.If you can get youre brother to buy the other one,youre set.


But perhaps instead of that buy more lego,like these sealed sets. Available at ... me. :P

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*Chucks a PS3 at KIE, but misses and breaks*


Anyway, I say Wii, after playing one and comparing it to playing an Xbox 360, the Wii is a lot more fun.



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Wii sports alone made the Wii worth it for me (Just don't let your family play it, my dad's addicted XD), also, twilight princess is awesome, even FPS's are good on the wii (Aiming rocks!). In the end however, it comes down to personal preference.

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-pokes signature- :P




Get a Wii, Kex. The Wii is awesome.



Or you can get both for a little over the price of an PS3 XD



Sooo...Get Wii. =D Because It's like you- awesome.

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Get the Wii, it's awesome. I got it at it's midnight launch and it rocks! Don't know if the 360 has it, but it's also lets you wirely access the internet (for actually exploring websites, not just online play) which is good if you don't have a comp in your room. Also, if you get a 360, than you can't get Zelda. And you'd have to be insane to not get Zelda! :P


- :m: :a: :r: :k:

360 has wireless networking capabilities with an add on.


BTW, IMO, browsing the internet on a game console should not be considered a selling point for it. It's not as easy as PC Browsing, plus most people will use it sparingly. Most people aren't going to fire up their console just to browse the internet. Is it interesting, yes, but is it something that should move a console when you can already do it on the computer you already own (and can already do so much more with on the web).


And if you get a Wii you can't get Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Oblivion, etc... and you'd have to be insane not to get those!... Each system has it's games that others don't, it all depends on which the people want more. While I have enjoyed Zelda titles in the past, I prefer the mulitplayer centric titles like Halo and Gears of War and only play deep single player games occasionaly, however Kex may prefer single player gaming.


Really Kex, just check out the games and decide which system will have more games you will want. Which system meets your gaming style. Both are "community" systems but their type of community is different. Wii relies on more local community playing and to know someone before you can become friends with them online. Xbox 360 is more online community centric, focusing on building up a community.

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I think I've figured it out. Just get them both. :P


Yeah, I'll prolly get one of them after the holidays, and one near my birthday in spring.

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