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I Might Be Bipolar



I have pretty extreme mood swings throughout the day. Like today - I went from pretty calm and normal to extremely happy and a bit hyper to sad and almost depressed. If any of you actually keep up with my blog (which I'm sure you don't), I was rejected by a girl last year and I went into something short of depression. And apparently I come from a long line of emotionally traumatic family. So it's not entirely impossible; how much of it is regular teenage stuff and how much might actually be bipolar...well, I don't know yet.


Not a very happy thought...


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Unsurprisingly, considering previous weird coincidences, I have been a bit mood-swingy lately. I don't know if it's just teenager-based stuff or what, but yeah.
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You probably aren't, most likely you were sad when you were thinking about bad things, then you started thinking about good things and were happy.


I really don't think it's worth thinking about.


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see a psychologist only he/she can tell you for sure.

Yeah...if I get anything else like that weird depressed state back in February, I will.


Unsurprisingly, considering previous weird coincidences, I have been a bit mood-swingy lately. I don't know if it's just teenager-based stuff or what, but yeah.

xD Seriously, we're like, what's that word, kindred spirits. Everything I am you are too. It's kinda scary. O.o


You probably aren't, most likely you were sad when you were thinking about bad things, then you started thinking about good things and were happy.


I really don't think it's worth thinking about.


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Hmm. Well, the only reason I worry about it is the fact that I come from a family with a pretty big history of mental disorders/diseases. Otherwise, I'd just blame it on teenage mood swings. But my uncle committed suicide and he was bipolar (severely, but still). It's not something I wanna entirely shrug off, but I don't want it to be the way I judge everything I do. Otherwise I think I'll overdramatize it in my mind and it'll just be a whole lot worse.

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