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Weekly Update - 10/9

Black Six



Time for this week's update. What do we have in store? Read on to find out.



Shannara shared his thoughts on Thornatus V9 this past week. You should check it out if you haven't already. Hopefully we'll have some more review-like content this weekend, whatever that means.


If you have a Toys 'R' Us nearby, you should check it out to get your free Bricktober bricks. Seems like a really cool promotion. And the Ambassadors may or may not have had a hand in it...


Speaking of Ambassador stuff, check out the Kids Tech Challenge and the VIP Card Program. Both programs seem interesting, so if you can, take advantage of them.


A couple weeks ago we saw the first pictures of the Bionicle Stars sets. Today, the upcoming Ben 10 sets appeared on Amazon. I encourage you all to wait until you can get your hands on them and see just how useful their pieces can be. You may be surprised.


In other BZP news, check out the recent small feature that we added to BZPower. Nothing monumental, but hey, it's something.



Are you the guy that renamed the staff names to movie titles?


Why was Electric Turahk renamed Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla and not E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial?

I don't think you're specific enough there.


I don't think that fits.


How do you feel when you get no mailbag questions?

Like a little part of me dies inside.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.


1. Andrew did you know I love you? : D

2. Why do you hate everyone? : (

3. Did you enjoy that birthday song Rob sang for you? :B

4. Can I room with you again at BrickFair next year? :3

5. Can I be an admin plzthx? :]

6. How do I form protto? :0

1. Yes.

2. Because everyone hates me?

3. Of course, how can you go wrong with Birthday by The Beatles?

4. Maybe. Only if you don't snore this time.

5. Nope.

6. Talk sense boy.



That's all I have for now. Have a good weekend everyone!


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And the Ambassadors may or may not have had a hand in it...


But my movie has a shadowy tale. Really now, who does know what will happen next?

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1. Andrew did you know I love you? : D

2. Why do you hate everyone? : (

1. Yes.

2. Because everyone hates me?

But... Smeag loves you... and you acknowledge that... and then you say that everyone hates you... *Head asplode*

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