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Should I Cut My Hair?



Yes, that kid in that picture is me, no not the girl, the guy, and yes, the one with the mop/bush/whatever you'll want to call it hair.


Pros: Girls love it, I love it, it just just feel swasome to touch. Though if I cut it, it'll take a long to grow back, and how I could look gross with it cut.


Cons: Is annoying to have to shower to look good before anything, its annoying when wet/drying, it feels more like a girl magnet gimic considering its old, I'm kinda tired of it, and I feel like it is time to change.




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Foolish lad, men are not men if not for their beards. Maturity comes once your facerug knocks another man with enough force that he falls down.

I want to see this.



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It's not that it's too long it's just that I've had it for so long and it's so boring and unmanagable. Like it has perfect days like today where I completely love it ands it's nice curls and stuff, but most days it looks a lot worse and frizzy and stuff. Bleh.


And I brought it up at band laka so if you mean her, then I pseudo asked her.

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And I brought it up at band laka so if you mean her, then I pseudo asked her.

Um no I meant something more fashionish.


But, I guess she works too.


Yes straight hair.


I totally know how you feel tho. Like you remember when I my hair, and yeah. I likes it more this way, but I dunno if that would be same for you, so yeah, how long can this horribly punctuated run on sentence last foooooor lalalalalala dodoeeoeiajishfeasf?


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I've got as much a beard going as possible right now so. ._.


Ohhhhh I see Laka


Something crazy would be like... straightening it. Definitely for Halloween and I have band then so yah.

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I used to think the same way about my hair; I had loads of it, so it I was really unmanageable, but I liked the look. Turned out that after I cut it shorter, my new look was even better than my old one, and it was easier to deal with to boot.


So yeah, sometimes if you're willing to make change, good things that you would never expect can come out of it.

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I grew my hair for about a year. If I'd kept at it, it would have ended up something like the guy above. Except that my hair's a lot thicker and wavier, so it would have just looked femme and ridiculous.

I recently cropped my hair short again, shorter than my profile pic. At first it felt weird (and actually kinda girly, believe it or not), but I'm getting used to it and I really appreciate the ease of maintaining it. Also, the more professional look can't hurt my job-hunting prospects.

If you're bored with your hair and you feel it's too much of a hassle, I say cut it. You'll draw even more girls' attention, 'cause they'll all miss your old hair and make comments. :P

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Bah it looks like all signs are pointing to cut, I'm just not sure about it.


I'll probably end up doing it on a whim. >>

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If you do, at least collect the hair to test out a beard. IT. WILL. CHANGE. YOUR. WORLD. Also eating. Stupid forks are the worst. ######ing stuff gets tangled if you're not careful. I've seen it happen.

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I dislike beards.


A week ago in school, there was a very sick kid in front of me. He has a beard. He sneezed the most tremendous sneeze. There was snot. Everywhere. Desk, his hands, his papers, but worst of all, his beard.



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That is because his beard is imperfect. He has probably never come across a man with a mad grizzly hibernating upon his jawbones before. He needs a better rolemodel. Also, you could make a beard from nosehair so your nose would be plugged.

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Well right now, currently I'm still not sure I'd look good without the hair. I mean it has seemed to be better recentl, but that could be me being reluctant to keep it.

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