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An Explanation For Anime Hair



(11:29:28 PM) A buddy of mine quoting someone else: In Anime, almost everyone has pointy hair. Artistic style aside, how would their hair stay pointy? The characters are never seen with hair gel, and what about bed-head? And wouldn't it interfere in the environment around them, like when someone sits behind them at the movies?

(11:29:48 PM) That same buddy's response: Not everyone has pointy hair; the real question is why colors like green and purple are so common.

(11:30:12 PM) Me: The answer is radiation

(11:30:17 PM) Me: Most of these take place in alternate worlds

(11:30:27 PM) Me: Where nukes don't destroy the world, they just destroy the area

(11:30:35 PM) Me: So there's fallout in the air

(11:30:42 PM) Me: However it only effects hair for some reason

(11:30:54 PM) The buddy: post that somewhere

(11:31:13 PM) Me: Okay


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And here I was thinking someone was messing with Ctrl+I in MSPaint for colors.


Your explanation makes way more sense. B)

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I'm going to blame the nuclear fallout again, considering the skin condition you told me Michael Jackson had that caused the change in his skin colouration, that it's possible the radiation caused that in people since this is already in an alternate world.


Edit; ^Or that.

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At this point I'm supposed to yell something like"RADIATION DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT THANK YOU GOOD NIGHT." or something, but I won't.
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Given that one in the middle is levitating on orange I'm going to go with the radiation theory. It would explain the superhuman physical abilities all anime characters seem to have

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Given that one in the middle is levitating on orange I'm going to go with the radiation theory. It would explain the superhuman physical abilities all anime characters seem to have


Hahahah her thumb has been wedged into the Orange, silly. They're parodying DBZ.

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