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An Idea For A Better Road



And also a greener planet.


Everyone takes public transit. Sounds a little stupid at first, but bear with me.


If there were no cars on the road and just buses, then the emissions into the atmosphere would be lower. How much is arguable, but undeniably it would shrink. Also, a bus pass is what, $10-$30 a month? I guarantee that will be less money than a month's gas. Third, if every vehicle on the road is a scheduled bus that can communicate with other scheduled buses, I'd say the number of collisions will shrink fairly notably. Fourth, the jog to and from bus stops will be healthy for you, and when as many Americans as are nowadays are overweight, this is a lot bigger than it sounds. I'm not saying everyone should sell their cars. There are some people who live far from any bus station, bus stop or bus depot who should keep a car or two. But for the rest of us I really think that a mass switch to public transit would be a good thing.


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Ah, but what about those of us who live twenty minutes or so from my school, and there isn't a bus route that reaches out that far?


My school draws people from everywhere around them, so bus routes are completely out of the question. :P

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I think that's what Necro's including in the group of people who can keep a car.


And Necro, you're certainly not the first to think this.

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Car industry is dying anyway.



Dying, not dead.


I for one refuse to believe there is no hope for it.


When the government has to buy GM, hope is slim.

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During the recession all the governors or directors or whatever they're called, the people who own the various car companies in America, they all got gathered together because they wanted a bail out.

They were asked to raise their hand if they'd be willing to sell their private jets in order to help fund the bail out. Not one of them raised their hand.

With that sort of person in charge I'm not sure the car industry should survive

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