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The Earth Man


Chapter 6: Fear


”I cannot believe we failed”

We lost the battle. It was like five seconds and before we knew it we were tied up and being carried by vahki.

“Excuse Roody…” I asked

“My name is Roodaka,” she said

“Ok ‘Roodaka’ where are you taking us”

“A place I’m sure you’ll love,” she said with a little giggle in her voice.

I had no idea why but….I started twitching for several minutes.

Have I heard that sort of voice before?

After traveling for many hours, we arrived at a cave. It was a very strange cave. The color of the cave was deep black, and it omitted weird purplish-black smog.

“Get in” Roodaka said.

We looked at one another. Then we looked at the cave. We stood there in silence. Until Garion broke the silence.

“Uhhh…what exactly is in there?”

Roodaka didn’t answer. Instead, she pushed into the cave, and before we knew it, we were separated inside the cave. I was walking in the darkness, no one beside me, all I could hear were my own footsteps. Still nothing in sight until I saw something in the distance, it was a light, and there was a figure in the light. I don’t know why but I whispered.


This time it was for sure, I have never heard that name before in my entire life. Then why did it feel so familiar. I ran toward the light, but it seemed the closer I got, the dimmer the light became. When I finally reached the person, he was dead. He had a sword through his heart. I took the sword out but right when that happened I teleported somewhere else, my home village. They all saw me with the sword and Mata-nui. They all screamed.

“He killed Mata-nui”

“He’s the one causing all this trouble”

“Let us avenge him”

They came charging at me with swords I had no idea what to do.

I hope Visarra and Garion are okay.

~ ~ ~

I was walking in a damp, dark, region. Drakis and Garion were nowhere to be found. I was alone in a swamp. Then I saw a light. I went for the light. For some reason I ended up in the middle of the ocean no boat, no supplies, no friends.

All alone. I kept calling for help.


No answer. I was shivering, I hadn’t notice how cold it was. I tried looking at my map.

“Oh my god”

Every single one of my maps were now written in some kind of language I’ve never seen before, the continents and islands were all gone and replaced with weird shapes, and all my notes were gone. One side of the map said “” another one said “”. I had never felt this scared in my entire life. I kept swimming, and all the time I felt as if something was following me. I looked everywhere and nothing was there. It seemed pointless swimming because I never found land. I stopped to rest a moment. I was about to relax but then I heard something underneath me. All of a sudden a huge beast came out. It was like nothing I have ever seen before it had a huge tail, scales, a large mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, a long chameleon like tongue, and it had some kind of sticky and slimy coating on top of it. It was inching closer and I couldn’t do anything. I was all alone.


~ ~ ~


*cough* *cough* *wheeze*

Smog covered the air as I walked. What is happening to the air? Every time I keep going forward, the air gets thicker and thicker with smog.

I bet Drakis is having a better time than I am.

I saw an opening. Light, finally. I ran towards it, but when I came out, I saw city 15. There was something wrong with city 15 you know, other than its regular problems. I walked up and I saw the entire city was covered in ruble. And there were no people just guards. I saw one without a mask on and he looked familiar. I walked up.

“Excuse sir, can you tell me what happened her…..”

The guard was my best friend. Did he really join the guard.

“ Daris, is that you”

He looked up at me and put on his helmet.

“Halt, intruder alert”

Then an army of guards showed up and started shooting me. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I had no weapons, and no one to help me.

For once, I wish Visarra was here.





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