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This Was Just Incredible...



I went to my friend's house today. He taught me a bunch of stuff on guitar (though by the end of the night I'd decided I wanted to learn bass), and then we went over to one of his friend's houses. Gah, names...my friend will be Andy, and Andy's friend'll be Matt. xP


Well, Andy had been telling me a lot of stuff about Matt being an awesome singer; and, y'know, you get that rocker image stuck in your mind, right? Well, when we went to his place, Matt was about the furthest thing from what I expected him to be. Large kid sitting on the bed in his dark room with all the shades close playing Xbox Live? Not exactly what you expect of a singer.


Well, we talked a lot, and I found out that I really liked the kid - easygoing, easy to get along with - but I didn't actually get a chance to hear him sing until after we went back to Andy's. His idol/inspiration is Michael Jackson, and I was kinda skeptical about that too. I mean, Michael Jackson? Pretty big legend to live up to there. Whatever the scandals, you can't deny that he was a great singer. But anyway...when I heard him sing, all my doubts just kinda went away. He's incredible. Really just...amazing.


He sung some of my songs, even the ones that I never thought were that great. One of them was a song I actually wrote for that KJ contest but never submitted, dubbed "Welcome To The World" (or "my world", since I recently found out there's already a pretty popular song called Welcome To The World). But anyway. He was able to sing it in a way I would have never thought of that made it awesome.


I'm pretty excited. I never thought this could go anywhere. But with me on bass and backup vocals/screaming, Matt on *maybe* another guitar and singing, Andy on guitar, Jackary on drums (if he can actually play), and my old crush on piano...it could go somewhere. If we can get the right connections.


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Sounds cool, Javs (can I call you that? I won't). And shouldn't the subtitle be YARLY instead of NORLY? I mean, if you said that this is "NOT PROTOSTEELS BLOG" and someone went "ORLY?", you'd say "YARLY!", but I guess it could be interpreted... *rambles on*


EDIT: Is that new profile pic you?

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Good luck with it.


Thanks. :D


Sounds cool, Javs (can I call you that? I won't). And shouldn't the subtitle be YARLY instead of NORLY? I mean, if you said that this is "NOT PROTOSTEELS BLOG" and someone went "ORLY?", you'd say "YARLY!", but I guess it could be interpreted... *rambles on*


EDIT: Is that new profile pic you?


Feel free to call me Javs. I think Bricky over there does...


It's YARLY now. :P


Yeah, that's new. Ish. My sister took it a month ago.

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Yes I call Javs Javs. I hope you don't mind, Javs. :P


Haha nice picture. I like your hair.


As long as you don't care about being called Bricky, Bricky. :P


Thanks. xP Everyone likes my hair. It's the only awesome thing about me.

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