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On Optimism And Inspiration.



For those of you wondering about my random change in theme...an explanation of sorts! :D Ah, loverly.


I've noticed lately that I'm at a point in my life where the world is starting to open up. The observations I make every day make the world a little more exciting. The choices I make every day make the world a little different. I'll get my driver's license soon. I'll start getting together material for college applications soon. I'll have to try to decide on a major, at least to start out with. (My interests have changed every year since about seventh grade. The only hobbies I've kept through the years are writing and drawing, and I'm -trying- to find something a little more world-applicable.xD)


Life's been full of unexpected turns, some wonderful and some discouraging. But through it all, I think I've kept a pretty optimistic outlook. That's why the sky's the limit. If you stick to what you believe in, pursue your dream, you can make it happen. I've always tried to follow my heart. The trouble is when you're not sure what your heart is saying: Art major or writing major? Study world cultures? Quit band, stay in band? Commit to this, or this? Try to conform to fit in with the people you love, or just be a loner? Try something new, or cling to the old?


Just when I think I've hit a rut, I take a look around and find myself at a scenic overlook. In the past year, I've been doing things and going places I've always wanted to do and see. And it's because I've opened my eyes and really looked at everything around me. The sun through the red leaves? An everyday miracle. A conversation with a stranger? Heaven-sent opportunity. That's why I'm the girl I am, and that's why I'm ditching the book theme. You can't start your life over by opening a new book, but you can always turn the page--or try a different road. Life is a no-u-turn zone. But that doesn't mean you can't stop, check your map, and find a way to where you want to be.


So yeah. Laugh if you want, but that's my philosophy. Slow down for the corners and pull over at the overlooks. When you're feeling confident, slip into the fast lane and take life by the steering wheel. Take the scenic route when you can. And most importantly, don't be afraid to ask for directions.


Edit: Oh, and about the category signs...they're a little wonky.>> So you may have to click in places that don't make sense to get to the category you want. When I figure out where you need to click for what, I'll let you know.xD Not that anyone actually uses those anyway...but they look spiffy. So...there.





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Awesome new blog looketh! :D

The signs are pretty cool for categories by the way. :P


I think the last part before the edit, how you sum up your philosophy, is actually really good. Worded quite cleverly in road terms too, yet still quite comprehensive. lol


Anyway, *pateths you on the back and gives you a free coat* Good luck on life!




-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Yeah, opening up is good. Exploring new places, meeting new cute girls, falling in love with them... *swoon*


One day you'll find your Marisa or Mokou, I'm sure of it!

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Yeah, opening up is good. Exploring new places, meeting new cute girls, falling in love with them... *swoon*


One day you'll find your Marisa or Mokou, I'm sure of it!


Thanks, Wrack.:3 And you too, Jordboy!



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