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:'( Sorry



A few days ago, Rockhound and I were talking. He told me that Necro and he were having a battle of wits. I, in my stupidity, decided it would be funny to tell Necro about Rock's strategies. It got way out of hand, ending up with twisted words and broken trust. I was away for a few days, going rock climbing with my scout troop. I came back to my normal, trouble filled, life to find out that Rock had sent me several offline messages. I also got a PM from Alex, saying that Rock was thinking of leaving BZPower.


I'm writing this apology for everyone to read. Rock, I know I broke your trust. Necro, I know I broke your trust too. What happened wasn't meant to get out of hand. I'm not going to defend what I did; it was wrong. All that I possibly can do is give you this apology and ask for a second chance. You don't have to accept it, and you certainly don't need to trust me again. But I won't feel right unless I apologize, even if it's completely in vain.


Rock, Necro, I'm sorry and it will never happen again. Please, can we put this behind us and be friends once more?


I hope you read this,



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