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You're All Expecting Too Much

Taka Nuvia


... I just had a look at my first art topics. Really, back when I was a newb in GA, I got more comments, and the majority of them was friendly, or constructive, but without tearing the pic apart.

I don't have any problems with constructive critism, but from time to time it seems like everyone is expecting super-spectacular stuff from me... :unsure:

I'm not begging for posts/no posts, I'm just stating my opinion.


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Same trend as I went through. The only difference is that people didn't expect anything better. I did. After losing 14 art contests, I kept improving myself, thinking that I'll pull off something extraordinary that people would stop and say, "Wow. Where did all that talent come from?"


It never happened. Even to the art community, my works are like "Eh, something is off. But nice try."


It's the artist's life, really. Just keep the head on the shoulders and draw.

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I'm not an artist (nor will I ever be), so I can't say much in that department, other than that I think your work is great. As far as the ironic, twisted fact that you got better comments when you were a 'noob', it was most likely because you were new and didn't have a standard set for yourself. The funny part is, you're not usually the one to set it, either...


The only other thing I can say is, you have to analyze your audience every now and again - if you're being asked for 'Grade A' work from a bunch of whining members who can't even use good grammar, they're not worth pleasing. Plus, there are people who are just downright harsh in their commentary, so putting them from your mind is the best thing you can do.


I know, not a great help when you're the one being torn down by all of it, but I myself love your art. Everything you draw doesn't have to be your Magnum Opus; what matters is that it's from you and it's unique. And a lot of times, pretty cool. ^^ Futile, I know, but I'll just say what others have said - don't let it drag you down. Keep your head high and keep doing what you do... there'll always be people who can appreciate it for what it is (Art!), and not demand for it to be something more.

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But you come out with super spectacular stuff! At last i think you do. Your art is at a very high standard.


...and that is why people expect that from her. ;)


Taka, I´ll agree with so far everyone who´s commented this entry. However, you can´t judge a newbie´s art like that of an experienced artist, and so it does also count vice versa. Your art should be judged from a point of view depending on just where your skill is.


Still, though, I also think that noone should expect everything by an artist to be their best work yet. In the perfect world, one would improve every time one drew anything, but this isn´t that world. So since we know we´re not perfect, it wouldn´t be good to expect other people to be perfect. And if you actually are perfect, you´d know that other people aren´t, and therefore still not expect that from them. So basically, the moral would be "Nobody´s perfect".


Thanks for posting this entry, Taka; you just made me realize this. =D


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But you come out with super spectacular stuff! At last i think you do. Your art is at a very high standard.


...and that is why people expect that from her. ;)

Not really, people seem to expect a higher standard. Which is ridiculous.


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