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Ren Fest Photos!



I actually did end up going to the Ren Fest!8D Of course, that was like, weeks ago, but I didn't get a chance to upload the pics and such until today. Huzzah! I did not, however, go with my school-friends as planned. They were being wishy-washy and so I just went with my dad, which is actually a good thing, I think.




After crossing the insanely huge and FULL parking lot (it was the last day the festival was open), we were greeted by this building! See the people on the second floor? Their job was basically to stand up there and make fun of people. In affected British accents. It was hilarious.




There were several groups who hung around singing and playing music. Don't let the poofy hats fool you, these guys had awesome voices.^^




One of the most unexpected things at the Fest was...THIS. I got to ride Paige the elephant!xD Riding an elephant was on my list of things to do in life, so...yeah. Pretty sweet deal. Comfy, too. Of course, it was only for about a minute, in an enclosed pen, so my next goal is to go to India and ride one in the jungle.;D There were also two camels. Myes.




One of the highlights was this show out in a special arena. Four "knights" participated in a contest where, with the help of "squires," they would charge on their horses to catch rings on their lances. The actual jousting tournament wasn't until after we had to leave. But they kept cracking jokes and boasting at each other, so it was amusing to watch. One guy even chased one of the squires through the hedge after a bad throw.xD


There are lots more photos, which you may, if you wish, view here, once the folder is public. Be warned, they're ginormous, because I couldn't be bothered to resize the ones I didn't put in this entry.xD




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I still liked the Renaissance Fair in Houston, Texas more than the rest I've gone to. Mainly because two "knights" used blunt edge swords, and we all got to watch the short dude get owned by a claymore, which broke his sword in half. Plus, I got to smash a tomato in someones face. ^^
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Oh man... Your Ren Fest looks more awesome than the one in my neighborhood... But I still love mine. Even though I missed it this year, the tournaments, dressing up, shops, and weaponry are always fun.


and I wish I could ride an elephant ;-;

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Guest kopakanuva13


Whooo, RenFair! Looks fun ^.^

Also looks a lot like the one in Bristol, Wisconsin. Is it, by any chance?


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Whooo, RenFair! Looks fun ^.^

Also looks a lot like the one in Bristol, Wisconsin. Is it, by any chance?



Heh, nope. This one happens to be in Bonner Springs, Kansas, which I don't mind saying because I don't live anywhere around there. But yes, it was quite fun.:3 I'm going to have to plan it out better next year so I can go when it's not bloody windy like it was this time around, lol.



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