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Na No Wri Mo

Lady Kopaka


National November Writing Month; read about it here.


Who else wants to do this with me? TNTOS reminded me about this a few weeks ago, and I officially decided I want to do it. Sort of late on asking since it starts in about three days, but still, even though I'm busy, if I really want to become a writer and take things seriously, I have to do this. Even if I don't finish, at least I tried my best.


It would be so awesome if I had some writing buddies to do this with me, to keep eachother encouraged. It would be such a good way to inspire us and just to start writing. This could go alongside with the Writers Club, too. Even if it's a cruddy story or you may never want to show anyone--but, you proved to yourself and others that you have the chops to write. Then again, remember that after November you can spend all of December and beyond editing it--and it could become one of the best things you have ever written.





  • Hahli Husky
  • Spink
  • Cap'n Kopaka
  • Tifosi 92
  • Kanohi Zatth
  • Sakaru
  • Miss Krahka
  • Jithra
  • Rockhound
  • ChocolateFrogs
  • Arpy
  • Jalina
  • Krakuaofsonics
  • Janus
  • Raia Svit-kona
  • Axinian the Anomaly
  • Torran
  • Vezok's Friend
  • Master of the Rahkshi
C'mon, lets get those pens and keyboards out! Grab an idea you like and don't worry about the quality, just write! Two more days til' it starts, good-luck!


(oh and, anyone have suggestions on a blog theme I could go with? I don't want super fancy, but my blog is looking awfully boring...)


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So many writing things for me to do. From working on that 25,000 word story to submit to that magazine, and that other 5,000 word story to submit to another magazine, and that epic on BZP of mine I started to get blocked about, and that novel I've been working on for... almost five years now.


But, I may as well as try my hand at this, but now I don't think I'll be able to enter the SSAO [As the deadline is in a few days anyway, and I only learned of it like... four days back ><].


Hm... I think I could take that one Sci-Fi based story I had in mind, and write it out to be 50,000 words... or try to. It'd be a great step to actually start doing this more seriously.


No clue if I'll actually make it to the 50k mark, but may as well as try. ^^

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I'm seriously thinking about doing it, now. Depends on time, I guess. XD

Time is no option!


So many writing things for me to do. From working on that 25,000 word story to submit to that magazine, and that other 5,000 word story to submit to another magazine, and that epic on BZP of mine I started to get blocked about, and that novel I've been working on for... almost five years now.


But, I may as well as try my hand at this, but now I don't think I'll be able to enter the SSAO [As the deadline is in a few days anyway, and I only learned of it like... four days back ><].


Hm... I think I could take that one Sci-Fi based story I had in mind, and write it out to be 50,000 words... or try to. It'd be a great step to actually start doing this more seriously.


No clue if I'll actually make it to the 50k mark, but may as well as try. ^^

Well see, if you already have a bunch of projects than you shouldn't feel obliged to do it--you're already writing a lot. And yeah, I'm not sure if I could do a 50K mark, but at least trying really hard just to write more than procrastinate is a big deal.

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Guest kopakanuva13


I'm entering =D Despite my horrible schoolwork overload D:

But it seems like an awesome challenge for a writer to overcome, especially when they're ultra-busy. I still have to decide whether I'm writing my sci-fi romance teen novel or my dystopian America novel =P


So yeah, awesome that you're entering, as are other BZP members ^.^


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You know what? I might do this. Not really sure if writing a Bionicle epic could translate as writing a novel, but maybe I could start out original with an idea I've had and then convert it to Bionicle. Anything to get writing again... I haven't written anything real in a while.
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If I have time today and tomorrow, and such, I may try to write something based on the current issue in my home country. As for the blog, why not do some sort of collage-y thighy of all you've done as a fan of BIONICLE and a BZP member? BTW, good to hear you're back to writing.

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I'm going to try to write something for it. I doubt I'll be able to get 50,000 words in a month, but you never know.

They say it's somewhat hard, but doable. I wrote this short story a few weeks ago and it spiked up to 7,000 words--I could had gotten higher if I wasn't so sick, and I did that in just a day or so. Just find an idea you really want to write and just go crazy with it, and don't worry if it's bad or not--you can always edit it later.


You know what? I might do this. Not really sure if writing a Bionicle epic could translate as writing a novel, but maybe I could start out original with an idea I've had and then convert it to Bionicle. Anything to get writing again... I haven't written anything real in a while.

You can do fanfiction. Pretty much if you got an idea for a Novel, whether it's more more than 50k or not, you can do it. You can't just bang the keyboard to get 50K words or continue something you've written previously (I think you could completely start over on an idea, but yeah), but the rules are pretty loose. Since they're are so many people entering, they can't view all the works anyway. You keep up with it all yourself.

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I want to, but I highly doubt I will.


Instead I'm planning on doing my own thing where I finish some of the short stories I already have in-progress as well as start on that epic Nuju and I are writing -- those short stories may not be 50k words combined, but finishing anywhere up to six or seven short stories would be awesome [so, like, I'll pretend each of those short stories are for this thing and I have to finish by the end of November].


But we'll see. I hope to do it some time, definitely -- I just have too much already in progress, and with school and everything I think it'd be best to just try to finish what I have.



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I can't really bring up that word-count each day, BUT if you want I can help you :D

I tend to have some good ides if you give them some good earth to start growing from (aka, your basic ideas for a plot or so)

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Yeah, this is gonna be my 7th year of NaNoWriMo-ness. I've met or exceeded the goal all years except for the first year (when I was really stupid) and last year (which was my first year of college).




You don't have to be good. You don't have to plan on getting it published. Just write what you want for the sheer demented joy of it! So that you can never say "Man, I should write a novel some day"! It's a very democratizing experience. Gotta say that it's the highlight of my year every time I've done it.


Aaaaah, if anyone wants advice on it, I'd have to say first to write every single day. Even if you can't stand your life. Even if you only get out a couple hundred words because you've just been stabbed and think are in no shape to write. You can catch up later, but it'll be a lot easier if you've got more words.

Also, barfights are awesome word padding. If you're going no where and need words, just have your characters wander into a bar and then get into a fight. Angsting also takes up a lot of words, though you'll be editing it to make it less whiny later.

And also, make sure that you're writing something that you really enjoy, not something that you think will impress other people or will be a great work of art or whatever. The words'll come.


Good luck to all who are doing it! :D

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Aaaaah, if anyone wants advice on it, I'd have to say first to write every single day. Even if you can't stand your life. Even if you only get out a couple hundred words because you've just been stabbed and think are in no shape to write. You can catch up later, but it'll be a lot easier if you've got more words.

Also, barfights are awesome word padding. If you're going no where and need words, just have your characters wander into a bar and then get into a fight.


A few comments:


-I don't have a problem with writing every day, but there are a few exceptions.


-If I were stabbed, I think writing would be the least of my concerns. :P


-What if my characters are on a deserted island?

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-I don't have a problem with writing every day, but there are a few exceptions.

If you're not going to write every day, get really ahead on the days that you are writing. Well, you always want to be ahead, but still. Yeah, last year I didn't win because I didn't write every day. I would write like, 5,000 words on the days that I did write, but on days that I didn't, I didn't write a single word. I ended up with 20k at the end of the month.


-If I were stabbed, I think writing would be the least of my concerns. :P



-What if my characters are on a deserted island?

Aliens then. That also works.

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I'm going to do it this year! I found out about it after the first week of November and, even though I started late and didn't finish, I really enjoyed it. I'm having trouble finding a story I want to do. I have a fan fiction story I've been toying with, but I really wanted to do something original this year... *shrugs*
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I'm so happy people are going to do this! I'll update this blog and make a list of all the participants!


Krahka dear, you have the most helpful advice, ever. I wish I had started this sooner, but I only learned of it a few years ago, and every November for the past forever has just been a wreck--but nothing is stopping me this year, I'm doing it!


And yes, do a story idea that you REALLY want to do, even if it's fanfiction/something cheesy, you'll still learn something from it--and things you enjoy, you'll want to write more on (duh); it goes a lot faster and less stress. Which is my dilemma, as I want to do this idea...is it considered cheating to do a story idea I attempted to write months ago, but want to completely restart this year? (my Glitch in the System original novel, all spiced up with new everything <3) I've been wanting to write this for the past year, I'm about ready to screw rules and just start working on it.

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I may indeed do this, depending on the subjects (or, if it's just whatever we want, I'm already doing it).


Of course, in the same token, I write almost every day. So, yeah. :D

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Well, like I said before, I'm definitely entering and can't wait to start. I am also glad to see that other people are doing this, too.


Just two more days, now . . .



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I may indeed do this, depending on the subjects (or, if it's just whatever we want, I'm already doing it).

You can do whatever you want


What's y'all's names so I can add you as a Writing Buddy? I'm "Exploriens"

If it's all right to say, I'm Lady Kaguya. I'm happy to have any of you guys as my writing buddy.



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What's y'all's names so I can add you as a Writing Buddy? I'm "Exploriens"




I'm Vex there, cuz someone else took "Spink" and I couldn't think of anything better.

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Count me in. I love to write, and I've been meaning to find a reason to write that novel.... along with various short stories.


But what's this about writing buddies? I don't really understand...

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