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Bionicle Heroes On An Hdtv

Black Six


Rewind back to Wednesday, I picked up Bionicle Heroes for the Xbox 360. Fun stuff. Black Friday rolls around, and I find myself outside of Staples at 5:45 AM. You may think I'm crazy, but by 7 AM I was back home with a brand new 32" LCD HDTV and only $500 poorer. Actually, my parents are, early Christmas present. :D So now I get to play Bionicle Heroes at 1080i on an HDTV, nothing bad could possibly come of this.


My thoughts on Heroes so far:

I'm about halfway through the game, and while there is an obvious pattern to the levels (Rahkshi, Zamor, Titan, Piraka) there's enough variety in the level design to keep things interesting. Being a big FPS player, the controls took some getting used to, I kept trying to strafe only to start turning, oops. :P It's lots of fun trying to upgrade your Toa and collect all of the awards. It's especially challenging for the ones that require you to use Nuparu and Hewkii, since they move slowly and have such a slow rate of fire; I much prefer using Jaller or Hahli. My favorite part by far is the gold canisters. If you haven't see/heard yet, the BZPower Reference Team and some other key staff members are mentioned in the credits. It was we who provided most of the masks and such that you earn for collecting them, the names, descriptions, and some images were all gathered and provided by our hard-working Reference Keepers. I couldn't be more proud. :)


So if you haven't gotten it already, what are you waiting for? Get out there and pick it up now, you owe it to yourself as a Bionicle fan.


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I'd get it BeeSix, but can't afford it... That, and since we don't and won't be getting any gaming consoles in the near future, it looks like I won't be playing it :/

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Thge only systems I could play BH on would be DS and GBA.. and I don't like the way the GBA version looks, and I'm getting the ownage-looking DS version...and MAc Version if it ever comes out.

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You got ripped off, man. I saw a 32" LCD HDTV at Wal-Mart for like $250.


I myself had to take two looks. I was thinking about selling me Wii and getting a HDTV for my 360. :P


But then I remembered Zelda...

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You got ripped off, man. I saw a 32" LCD HDTV at Wal-Mart for like $250.


I myself had to take two looks. I was thinking about selling me Wii and getting a HDTV for my 360. :P


But then I remembered Zelda...

Funny, cheapest one I could find on their website was $600. Even if it was $250, I doubt it was a name brand, or that it has as many features or as good a picture quality as mine. Are you sure it wasn't a tube?

Oh well, I'm happy with what I have.

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You got ripped off, man. I saw a 32" LCD HDTV at Wal-Mart for like $250.


I myself had to take two looks. I was thinking about selling me Wii and getting a HDTV for my 360. :P


But then I remembered Zelda...

Funny, cheapest one I could find on their website was $600. Even if it was $250, I doubt it was a name brand, or that it has as many features or as good a picture quality as mine. Are you sure it wasn't a tube?

Oh well, I'm happy with what I have.

My Tv more effiecient then everyones. It has tube and the other thingy.

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Hey, I was just proud to set my TV and 360 to love each other enough to give me 480p (vs previously using 480i). Don't ruin it by going off about 1080i (I don' know wa't it means, but I wan' it) (:P).
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