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Hey Mocers



There's a problem when this guy has only made two Bionicle MOCs, and he's already better than 90% of the BBC forum.


Admittedly, he is already an excellent system builder.



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'Tis true. He has style. -_-


But you have to admit, Bunda, that no MOC is flawless. Nobody's creations are perfect. :shrugs:



Trufax, but some are more flawless than others.



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You know what, I'd almost forgotten that good MOCs can be made of only bionicle elements until I saw the galleries of some of these Japanese guys.

Even then though, there's a lot of system elements on a majority of the MOCs.


And I kinda agree, but he's like God Tier System MOCist and he incorporates Bionicle elements a lot anyways. =\

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Just had to say that.

Anyways, I've noticed this about a lot of AFOLs who have recently come out of their Dark Ages. 'Tis confusing.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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How do we know he hasn't made more before but just hasn't bothered to upload them?

If so, the majority of MOCers could learn from him. 'twould be so nice if everybody waited until they were good to post stuff.

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How do we know he hasn't made more before but just hasn't bothered to upload them?

If so, the majority of MOCers could learn from him. 'twould be so nice if everybody waited until they were good to post stuff.

The obvious argument would be, you can't get better until you get feedback. But that really isn't true. 'Cause I got better all by my lonesome even before I joined BZP.


Though I think saying you shouldn't post your MOCs until you at least have some skill is a bit harsh, since most of the (younger) kids on this forum think what they have made is spectacular. I mean, I used to love all the MOCs I made, Toamods or no. And that's fine, 'cause I was a lot younger then and didn't have any perspective, really. And if I had been a member of this site way back when I'm sure I would have posted all my junk too.




Where am I going with this? (<not a rhetorical question. I have no clue where I was going when I started posting)


I think I was saying that we all start somewhere, and whether we post the junk we make early on or not doesn't really matter, it's all just practice (maybe?).


Yeah I think that's what I was saying.


*just had a senile moment*


*wait i should not be having senile moments for another 50 years*





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How do we know he hasn't made more before but just hasn't bothered to upload them?

If so, the majority of MOCers could learn from him. 'twould be so nice if everybody waited until they were good to post stuff.

The obvious argument would be, you can't get better until you get feedback. But that really isn't true. 'Cause I got better all by my lonesome even before I joined BZP.


Though I think saying you shouldn't post your MOCs until you at least have some skill is a bit harsh, since most of the (younger) kids on this forum think what they have made is spectacular. I mean, I used to love all the MOCs I made, Toamods or no. And that's fine, 'cause I was a lot younger then and didn't have any perspective, really. And if I had been a member of this site way back when I'm sure I would have posted all my junk too.




Where am I going with this? (<not a rhetorical question. I have no clue where I was going when I started posting)


I think I was saying that we all start somewhere, and whether we post the junk we make early on or not doesn't really matter, it's all just practice (maybe?).


Yeah I think that's what I was saying.


*just had a senile moment*


*wait i should not be having senile moments for another 50 years*








your idea of "good" and someone else's idea of "good" are two totally different things.

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Tl;dr, your idea of "good" and someone else's idea of "good" are two totally different things.



I'm saying even the rubbish is a stepping stone.


And that when you're a younger kid, thinking the rubbish is good is okay.


It's when you're older and think the rubbish is good... then I get worried.



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Tl;dr, your idea of "good" and someone else's idea of "good" are two totally different things.



I'm saying even the rubbish is a stepping stone.


And that when you're a younger kid, thinking the rubbish is good is okay.


It's when you're older and think the rubbish is good... then I get worried.





i was saying your post was tl;dr


and was putting my own thoughts


brb line break

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