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Senior Year Is Not Easy



It's haaaard work being a senior though. :( Terrible mountains of homework and piles of essays the size of Mt. Everest. Tests the size of elephants that roar in difiance at you, almost yelling "I BET YOU CAN'T DO ME" and quizzes like lions, not sleeping tonight, only stalking you from the grasses. And all I can use to defend myself is a little STICK with GRAPHITE in it. How stupid is that?


Taken from a conversation with Sunny. Posted it here cuz I thought it was rather good, lol.




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I really kind of wish I was back in my senior year of high school now. I'm realizing now that my biggest worries that year were finishing my senior venture project, finishing my senior venture paper, doing well at the district and state track meets, and the Rose Festival.


It's just like....that "unknown" after high school, where people were taking all these different turns in their lives seemed like such an exciting thing, but going into my sixth week of college sophomore term, I'm absolutely terrified.



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...And i'm some 12 year old reading this going "Oh carp senior year of highschool will suck. D:"

It's not as terrible as some of us are making it sound....it really depends on what you're also doing in your life. Like, it depends if you're super involved in things at your school, community, family, etc., or you have other stuff going on that you can't really control.


It can sometimes make keeping your world and school work on track comparable to fighting off a Makuta with a roll of duct tape and a toothpick. It's a really freaking difficult task, but it can be done.



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...Am I the only one who genuinely finds it to be extremely easy? o_o I only have about half the amount of tests I had last year...


Plus, I start at 11:00 on Mondays. And end three hours later. =D

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Except, we both have different perspectives of senior year....like, I experienced it from a public school while you're experiencing it from homeschooling, so even that makes a difference in what you experience and how you experience it.


Or, at least I think it would. I mean, K-12 schooling for me was all public schooling in the same school district, save for kindergarden and first grade, so I don't really know what it's like in regards to homeschooling and how much more it differs in learning style, work load, etc.



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:kaukau:I bet No mentioning banned members, regardless how awesome they were. -EW could sum it up better than you could, EW. "It sucks."


To be honest, I'm not one to judge. For Senior year, I won't be having any foreign language classes, thank heavens, but I might take a college course on calculus payed for by the school. Then there's chemistry, which I know takes a lot of math and has plenty of homework as well. Then I might as well scratch that whole "no foreign language" thing off my list, because there's a change I might take a beloved German class in college as well.


Since I do not believe I will be taking PE that year to save myself the time and space, that means that I will have even more space for electives. One of them will be independent art. Perhaps I will take another college class as well.


So I am not sure. I'm guessing that it will, for the most part, be easy, if my father's words are true, but of course he tells tall-tales about his childhood. The most stressful thing will likely be the knot in my stomach when I want to ask the special girl to the prom.


In the meantime, one of my major goals for Senior Year is to be a DJ at least once, because that would be sooooo fun.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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