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Motion City Soundtrack



I personally gotta say that they're the best pop-punk band I've ever heard. But no one knows who they are. Seriously, they're punk but they didn't lose the pop sound either. It's brilliant...lyrics are fantastic and the songs are really just infectious, with Commit This To Memory probably being the best album (the other two are great, though). How many people would agree that they're one of the most under-appreciated pop-punk bands that's been around for a decent amount of years?


Or, a better question: how many people even know who they are? :P


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Oh yeah, I know Motion City Soundtrack. My Favorite Accident is their bigger song, I think. I hear it a lot, it's a good song, really.
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Honestly, I don't know if you're right or not. I only just started listening to I Am The Movie and Even If It Kills Me yesterday, so...but I think I Am The Movie's their oldest album, and My Favorite Accident is on there, so if it was a hit, it's not so much now. I do remember hearing Everything Is Alright on one of my brother's sports games (first place I heard the band). I have no clue, though. I'm pretty sure none of their songs actually received radio airplay, as far as I know.


Indie really deserves more airplay. So much better than mainstream...

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