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Russian Terrorist = Kryptonian Scientist





BTW, today I came up with the most epic win idea for a video ever. It's my top-secret project. Coming soon. It's going to be a tribute to our fallen friend, Project Klinkerpoop. Shhh.


You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll applaud and demand an encore. Now all I need to do is find some good freeware video editing software, since Windows Movie Maker doesn't work on my comp. Also need software that would allow me to superimpose images on video clips. Help?




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That's the most WIN Bananapooters yet.

qft ;P

mhm actually the one with the dancing bananas was cool


cause it had DANCING BANANAS aagh.gif


also i think that one on the right's too fat to wear pants

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I never knew Bananas wore pants.


That's because they all have that thing in front of them. But you can only see it in this blog, because it's that awesome.

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Whatever video software you end up using, I need to know what it is; I'm thoroughly sick of WMM.

iMovie = <3


And it can do everything you want, Doks. =P But for Windows, I have no idea. There are reasons I turned to the Mac Side.

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I'd turn to the Mac Side if I had enough greenbacks...


Sad to see that PK fell. You think it may be resurrected anytime soon?



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Sad to see that PK fell. You think it may be resurrected anytime soon?

No, probably not. Most of the authors are glad they have less to do now, and it's nice to see the saga actually end rather than droning on and on forever.


And no, I don't have the greenbacks for a Mac. >>

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I was going to say that PK should get a real conclusion, but I think this was actually a fitting end.


Really though, if we need less stuff to do, let's just all quit the smaller series' we do.

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I was going to say that PK should get a real conclusion, but I think this was actually a fitting end.


Really though, if we need less stuff to do, let's just all quit the smaller series' we do.

*quotes last panel of that comic*

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Whatever video software you end up using, I need to know what it is; I'm thoroughly sick of WMM.

iMovie = <3


And it can do everything you want, Doks. =P But for Windows, I have no idea. There are reasons I turned to the Mac Side.

I've been eyeing off the Mac Side for years, but the very fact that turning would involve ditching so many programs I frequently use is more than enough to put me off.

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Sad to see that PK fell. You think it may be resurrected anytime soon?

No, probably not. Most of the authors are glad they have less to do now, and it's nice to see the saga actually end rather than droning on and on forever.


And no, I don't have the greenbacks for a Mac. >>


Agreed,one less topic of spam. Seems like plot comics are all the rage these days :P.

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