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Board Meetings



Really should be 'bored meetings.'


My dad was an executive guy. He worked in offices and sat at discussion tables all the time. I always wanted to be a part of this of world of business, be on the real decision-making team, do that kind of stuff. And now that I'm in a few of them, I realize just how totally droll and stressing they can be.


So yeah.




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Main Entry: 1droll

Pronunciation: \ˈdrōl\

Function: adjective

Etymology: French drôle, from drôle scamp, from Middle French drolle, from Middle Dutch, imp

Date: 1623

: having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality <his dignified presence decorated our droll little quarters — Gwendolyn Brooks>


Do you mean that?

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:kaukau:Well, I know that they're droll and stuff. I read Dilbert comics and my father's explained some of this stuff, then you might see teachers having their meetings discussing whatever, discussing stuff as boring as reorgs. It's something I could sit through if I had to, but honestly, what else do you expect, that it will be a court drama?


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Sometimes, yes, there is a discussion that I can indeed be a commanding voice in, but they are getting more and more rare with these new parents. >>



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A truly droll business meeting would kick butt. I think the drollness tends to be unintentional, though, mostly, and very much surrounded by the stress and boredom factors.



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Ah, yes, the dreaded board meetings. If any parents take their kids into the car and tell them where they're going, the children will raise their voices in protest, "no, Dad! Not that! Anything but that! I'll wash the car, I'll do my homework, I'll CLEAN MY ROOM! Anything but going to a ONE OF THOSE!"


Several hours later, you see your kid off to the side of the room where the board is meeting; there is a trail of drool down his chin onto his shirt, eyelids closed. It was too much for the poor kid.


He had fallen asleep.

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BSA Youth Protection film. Also known by the CIA as the worst kind of torture available.




Oh, THAT. Thankfully, they didn't have it for the kids several years ago, so I was spared. :D

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