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OMG, I posted a topic in BBC! I must say, it's been a while.


And yes, I am still using BBC and not BBCC. I'm a traditionalist, and I've entered more BBC contests than many of you, I'm sure. (Not all of you, but most. I've made MOCs for 31 of the 56 contests, had my first disqualified and didn't enter another few, and only made it to the semi-finals on a technicality twice.) It's not much, but I back up my record of most sucky MOCs entered into contests over the years. (This is proof that one doesn't necessarily improve over time)


Anyway, I'm also conducting a social experiment. I want to channel all the hatred stored up in BBC reviewers into my topic, where they can rage about all the problems with my MOC, varying from the design to the color scheme to the excessive use of red pins (even though that is the whole point of said contest!) Heck, I might have even ripped somebody off before, or made use of a technique that was copyrighted by some MOCist with too much time and money who just had to go into the legal aspects of things. So, anyway, I expect alot of anger in this topic... or else people will completely ignore it, and it will fall into the back pages of the forum without a second thought.


(psst! I actually wouldn't mind positive reviews, but post them here, so you don't tarnish your image in the BBC)


Remember not to vote for me when the polls come around. Face it, there's bound to be something better. Voting for me only sets me off on a false high, which makes the crash back down to earth all the more damaging. You cannot truly crush your opponent until you've given them a taste of hope and then took it away. :P


Why yes, I am feeling rather cynical right now, why'd you ask?




Recommended Comments

I like. Very nice way to utilize those red pins. Although it's small, I feel that you have a decent chance of going pretty far.
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This is worthless!
I mean, seriously, this is the best you can do?!
I just

I mean, come on, really? No leg articulation whatsoever! And what's with the random black piece sticking out of his back?!
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The lack of leg articulation is what really bugs me. Otherthan that, I like this. The white and red go well together.

I especially like the curve of the back. Especially with that Bohrok Kal shield there.

Using the red rods as spike-things is also clever. Makes it interesting.


Good luck.



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Good thing you didn't share your heretical views with Tufi at BrickCon. You never would've made it home from the Lego store.
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You know I'm allowed to kill staff that don't use the proper acronym, right?


For the record, the polite thing to do is offer up a replacement suggestion before I off you.

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You know I'm allowed to kill staff that don't use the proper acronym, right?


For the record, the polite thing to do is offer up a replacement suggestion before I off you.

You could always pick me, I can be easily trained for staff purposes =P


Oh no wait he's a reporter, I never find news...


And just when i thought I could rule the BBC forum with an aluminum fist... =(

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What ever happened to "BBC Contest" (Bionicle Based Creations [forum] Contest) or rather "BBCC" for even shorter purposes?


Because we can't be calling both the forum BBC and the contest BBC and have it mean two different things!



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What ever happened to "BBC Contest" (Bionicle Based Creations [forum] Contest) or rather "BBCC" for even shorter purposes?


Because we can't be calling both the forum BBC and the contest BBC and have it mean two different things!



Simple, we cut out "contest" period. People can probably tell what the MOC's for - BBC for Bionicle-Based Creations, and then when they see the number it's like "oh it's for that contest ok".

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The MOC has some clever bits, like the torso. The legs are actually not bad either. Can't say the same for the head.



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What ever happened to "BBC Contest" (Bionicle Based Creations [forum] Contest) or rather "BBCC" for even shorter purposes?


Because we can't be calling both the forum BBC and the contest BBC and have it mean two different things!



I always use BBC Contest. BBCC just looks wrong to me.



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