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No, Seriously...



I don't think my roommates done anything to deal with his case of H1N1 flu since he came down with it a week ago. I offered him some of my medicine, which he apparently accepted and then never used. Despite going to the doctor and having a fever, he still went to his classes. And... yeah, other stuff.


I haven't caught it yet and I haven't had the flu since I've been living in the dorms (although I have had a few bad cases of strep throat in my time here) and I really don't want to see how the flu goes. I've been trying to keep myself germ free... I just kinda wish he'd put an effort in to get better.


And for all you who claim swine flu is some sort of conspiracy... well, I don't want to hear about it, and I do have the capability to delete comments in my blog...




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Actually, people are most contagious before presenting symptoms, so you'll probably be fine. ;)


Plus we all know that it's not the flu that's the conspiracy, rather the existence of swine. There is no such animal! It's a myth, I tell you!

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It's all because of them, I tell you! It must be some sort of sick and twisted government experiment! Either that or it's like in that Tom Clancy book I just finished reading, and there's a war on, but they don't want us to know about it... Or, worse yet, it could actually be the doing of some kind of anti-pork organization, attempting to get us to kill our swine by releasing a lab-developed virus into the world's air- and seaports, and then blaming it on the pigs! *wants comment to be deleted*


Oh, and I hope you don't get it. Dunno why I do, as I don't technically know you, but it seems like a nice thing to say... :)

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