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Nothing's Ever Good Enough



-The music you like.


-The clothes you wear.


-The girls you crush on.


-The people you hang out with.


-The hobbies that should be respectable but aren't.


-The place you live.


-The money you have.


-The religion you put your faith in.


-Even just the kind of animals you like to keep as pets.


Please tell me I'm not the only one who's noticed this?


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Other people. I'm totally satisfied with my taste in music, my taste in clothes, the girls I like, the people I hang out with, my hobbies (Bionicle), where I live (I just wish I had my own room), my money (okay well maybe not that one), my religion (I get made fun of a lot for being half-Jewish even though I've been a practicing Christian my whole life), and my pets. It's other people who are dissatisfied with my tastes. I seriously get snide remarks just for saying I like cats. And a day doesn't go by when people don't get annoyed with me for liking music so much.


And I always thought that music was one thing you COUDLN'T go wrong with. But whatever. -.- Y'know, I really need to stop relying on other peoples' opinions so much and start making my life my business.

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hey mate, you may not know me-- but i TOTALLY agree.


to rephrase what you said in your last post, its not fair that people can judge you just cause you like something thats against what people traditionaly like, 'in' music, facebook instead of bzp, y'know stuff like that. anways, i feel for you.

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