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I've Decided

Lady Kopaka


Sadly, I've finally decided I just can't do NaNoWriMo this year. I feel bad, since I'm the one that got a lot of people hyped about it and now I have to back down—still, I think it's for the best.


I've been really sick throughout my junior year, and all through my senior because of some chronic stuff and other illnesses I have yet to solve. At first when I was struggling this month, I wanted to press on and prove to myself I could do it. Writing isn't that hard, right? Still, I've been constantly in bed, barely able to do anything. I've pretty much cut out everything except the important things like school; that's all I can handle now. Not to mention, it's been a very rough year from grim life hassles.


I plan on finishing my story, no doubt about that, I love it way to much too completely quit. Maybe sometime I'll feel well enough to have my own little NaNo, and there is always next year. You all keep it up, though! I think NaNoWriMo is the best way to kick that low-esteem and procrastination out the window. You can do it guys!


I'm off to go buy myself some groceries and maybe nab something during Happy Hour at Sonic. Ciao!


(random note: BZPers who commissioned me, I'm getting back to them—particularly BCii and RepicheepXXII. You guys are at the top of the list, and I'm working hard on finishing those this upcoming week.)


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If it's any consolation, I'm throwing in the towel. I love writing, but I won't be able to finish by the end of November. I'll keep working on my story, but I'm doing the same as you. So, you're not alone in this situation.


I hope your health gets resolved. Is it just various viral kind of stuff? (Super colds, etc.) If it's too personal, that's fine. I've been getting sick a lot this year because I missed an entire semester due to a severe development of OCD. So, since I was out of public places for 6 months or so, my immune system got really lazy. So, I kind of know what you're going through.


I hope things get bigger! Now go get a milkshake at Sonic!



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I've got the same problem as Sorek. I will be gone for the end of the month and I won't have PC access during that time, so there is no way I can finish. I'll write until 25k, and that's about it. Besides there is so man other stuff that I need to work on.


Don't feel bad about anything, you're like, 100 billion times better at writing then me :)

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same here. Except I've been away from my computer for almost two weeks, with only small times when I can actually get on. And I will be gone even more as Thanksgiving break rolls around. I will still continue to write, but I know that I won't make the deadline.
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Please don't feel bad. It was your entry that actually kicked my butt into doing it--and I'm actually hitting all my goals so far. I struggle some times, but I haven't dropped out yet--and heck, 19,820 words is nothing to scoff at.


So thank you!



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Aw :( . I sort of know how you feel. Whenever I feel really sick I just can't write, or if I do it just comes out bad. Fortunately I have been able to do NaNoWriMo this year with only a very small cold that has barely affected my concentration so far.


Like you said, though, there's always next year or maybe even the rest of this year or the next to try and complete your story :) .



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Aw. Well, sorry to hear that. In the end, though, that's probably the best thing to do.


You know what we should do? We BZPers should do a "10 K in 10 days" sort of thing, and we could make up little challenges to stick in every day for bonus awesome points, and and and yeah.8D



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I'm still sorta trying to figure out what this NaNoWriMo is. Not that I'm unconnected with the community, but am I missing something here? :blink: I'd say that I give up on it too, but I don't even know what it is!! :P

Oh, yeah, Toa of Moonlight's orders: GET BETTER NOW. I'm honestly getting a bit worried about you, LK. And, I often say that laughter is the best medicine, and sleep can ride shotgun. And robitussin can get in the trunk, that stuff tastes horrible. So, here's a picture of the most binding wedding rings I think I have ever seen.




PS: Really, heal. I wasn't kidding.

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As all who've answered here, I may not get done with it. I'm just losing interest, and I don't feel that I'm striving towards it. So get better, and remember: if you feel you can't finish a NaNoWriMo, think about all the poor kids of... wait, no. I meant, think of all members who procrastinate too much to actually write.

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There are a lot of situations out of your control sometimes, so don't feel bad about NaNo. In some respect, I actually -do- have time for writing, but with me being sick and a billion other issues, it made it very stressing--instead of making me competitive.


Still, try to note when you actually need a break from this, or if you're just procrastinating. Seriously, at the end of this and you suddenly realized you could had been so much more if you just tried harder Don't you guys give up!

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