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Making Days

Boogie Monsta


Once there was a rabbit. His name was Steve. One day, Steve wanted to go raid the farmer's vegetable garden. "Don't you go in there," his mother warned, "The farmer murders innocent rabbits every day." Steve looked through the fence at the delicious turnips and tomatoes growing in the garden, and decided to take matters into his own hands. He ran to his gangsta friend's house, borrowed a pimp hat and some bling, and went to the garden. He casually picked up a turnip, and suddenly a bullet whistled past his head. "Hey, hombes!" he shouted. "Not cool, bro!" He flicked some of his bling just to show the farmer he meant business. The bullet that knocked off his hat showed that the farmer had different intentions. Steve bolted back home. "That farmer has gone too far this time," thought Steve. "Shootin' his homeboy like that." Steve grabbed his rabbity cell phone and called up PETA, who immediately began picketing and demonstrating all over the farmer's property. Steve put his hat back on and returned to the garden, to see the farmer huddled on his back porch. "Hey, hombes, can I have some o' yo' veggibles now?" "Sure, brah," replied the farmer. "Just get these maniacs off my back." Steve picked a delicious turnip and ran into the front yard. He held the turnip high in victory, and the crowds of PETA members cheered and left.

And that's why Steve is always so dang smooth with the ladies.


And that's how I made a random girl on Mystery Google's day. =D




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