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S&t Contest #2 Teaser




You read right -- the second S&T contest will be starting tommorrow, so I decided to give you guys some information in advance to get yall's psyches in contest mode, as it were. :)

I'm not going to tell you the themes yet--and there are three closely defined ones, so you can't get started until you know what they are. But I will reveal this now: the contest will be a Short Story Contest. Members will have a chance to write a story that is required to fit with the official story, only using official characters (within the three themes), and once entries have been judged to be official-accurate, they will move onto a round of polls. ("Judges" will not be picking winners--that is done by poll.)

The three winning entries will become considered part of the official storyline. ^_^

Main concern with this idea is the time of those of us who are judging the accuracy of the entries--I will lead them, and at this point it looks like three of the RKs will help. We're trying not to take the burden completely off of Greg to help, except if he has extra time and feels like it--he's pretty busy right now--so that means any other help would be greatly appreciated. Stories will be posted as topics in S&T (and losing stories will later be moved to SS, where they can still work great as fanfics), so that means anybody and their brother can help comb through the stories to find innaccuracies. And their sister too.

So any of you Fact Team members, BS01 Wiki Staff, or anyone who is knowledgeable in the story at all, I'd really appreciate it if you could make a commitment to helping with this judging. I am willing to officially designate more people as judges, so I'd like to hear from anyone willing to help with that. Entry period begins tommorrow whenever the contest topic is up (the 22nd), and goes to noon of the 30th; last day of June. Stories will be 400-4000 words long.

And in case you worry about this -- judges can also enter, since they do not pick winners. No chance of bias that way really. Judges would be pointing out any errors in the story topics, and they would therefore have the authority to be authorizing the member to PM me with an edit so they can qualify. A judge must approve every entry before it can go to the polls (and preferably more than one judge, though that will depend on everybody's free time). Reason being no editing by the member is allowed to prevent cheating. Only I can edit changes in. And only changes allowed would be to fix typos and to fix accuracy problems. If this is unclear, feel free to ask any questions (might not be able to answer yet, but ask anyways!).

Further details will be announced in S&T tommorrow. :)

UPDATE: Well, there are now 17 judges, which is definately plenty, so for now, I don't need any more volunteers. Thanks a million to the 17 who answered the request so promptly--I expected more like three or four to join before the contest went up, but got about 12 right away. Thanksmuch! :happydance:

Well, hope yall will have fun with this! I look forward to reading your entries!

(And no, the theme has nothing to do with submarines or Beatles.... :P)

Edit: Yeesh, the whole submarine theme turned out to be very fitting for this entry. See here.


Recommended Comments

Only 4000 words? :(


Yeah, I can definately pull for both sides of this contest. Sign me up, bones.

Well, the latest limit for an SS contest was 3500. It kinda has to be short to make sure we can all read. On the other hand, if we get more judges... maybe I can lengthen it. :)


Did you have a maximum in mind?


Thanks for volunteering.


Judges so far: me, QB, Toa Pilak, bohrokwill, ET, Makaru.

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Did you have a maximum in mind?

Sarcasm, bonesiii. 4000 is plenty enough.


So question, there will be what seems to be three catagories. Will there be three winners for each catagory, or one winner over all catagories?


Edit: Nice obscure reference...

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sounds like a fun contest

now... only if my writing skills were better... i'll still give it a shot though...


also, i have enough time to judge, and i'm savy enough in the storyline (those factlists are useful :D)...

Yeah, I can definately pull for both sides of this contest. Sign me up, bones.

ditto that

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D'oh! Orange and Submarines! My two favorite things! (Not.)


Sign me up, Bones. I'm a good writer, and I'm awesome at Story stuff, so I can judge, if you'll let me. I've always wanted to put my Klaus Baudelaire like reading ability to the test. I read the books, I remember the books TO THE WORD (almost :P), and I know the story intently (Ooh, big word.). So, I'd like to get into this.


I'm gonna write about the orange Submarine with the Kanohi Lemitoo on board!



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Lol. Everyone's volunteering. If you accept all of these offers, bonesiii, you'll end up with more judges than contestants.


I'll enter (the contest, I don't want to be a judge....yet). To this date I've never competed in any contests and I think it's high time I did.

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Sounds like an interesting contest- stories like these are the kind I specialise in. Also, if you still need them, I'll happily be a judge, but it looks like you have quite a few already.

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This sounds very nice. I never really read Bionicle short story fanfics, since the few I did read were -so- fantastic (and I use the definition of the word that means a tendency towards ridiculous and outlandish). I think this will be very fun. I do not know if I will be able to enter (I am kind of busy too), but I will try my best.

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Short stories?


Excellent news, considering I recently passed the English 12 final with an 81 :P. Might be a better test of abilities...



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I was trying to comment here about eight hours ago, but the weirdest thing got in the way.


A monster storm just ripped through my area, so I had to shut down the comp. And man was that storm nasty... three tornadoes touched down in the area, one only a few miles from home, and rain so bad that a faucet-sized hole burst in the side of the basement, where everybody and the cat and dogs (boy was that fun :rolleyes:) were camped out. This basement -never- floods but it would have this time if the hole hadn't been directly next to a big ole drain that thankfully did -not- decide to get plugged today. Didn't end up losing power, but the floor under the other computer, the one I was on of my two networked ones, is soaked from a seperate minor leak. And then in the middle of a doorway on the first floor (above ground...), water started coming through the ceiling, making the paint there bulge. Just a drip, but that's never happened in this house. The faucet hole had mud coming through it at first, from under a basementless section of the house--especially concerned that dirt under the foundation might now be missing. And apparently tommorrow we cut down a tree-sized weed that grew next to the house--roots probably helped the damage along. :wacko:


When I picked the submarine theme for this blog entry earlier today, it was just random, cuz the Yellow Submarine font is cool, lol. Amazingly ironic 'cuz now it felt a bit like being in a submarine for a few hours. With leaks.


So yeah.... Please bear with any delays to the contest, though I expect I will have it up sometimes tommorrow anyways. :pirate:


Did you have a maximum in mind?

Sarcasm, bonesiii. 4000 is plenty enough.


So question, there will be what seems to be three catagories. Will there be three winners for each catagory, or one winner over all catagories?


Edit: Nice obscure reference...

Lol--Personally 4000 words is nothing (my SSes go into the 7000 word range usually). But yeah, guess I missed the sarcasm... :lol: Seriously, though, it is possible that I'd extend the length, but at this point probably not likely. Depends on if a big number of yall can judge.


One winner in each of the three categories.


SPIRIT, Tahatu Taluka, Mikerahk--you're in! ^_^


May i help?

This is probably my own fault more than yours, but I'm not really sure that you qualify... Could you perhaps describe about how much you know of the official story? I've seen you around, but never quite noticed you much in S&T--again, that might not mean anything and might speak more to my observation skills than anything. But I'd like more details from you...


Regardless of whether you can be a judge, though, you can always help by posting in each entry topic anyways! :)




Judges so far: bonesiii, QB, Toa Pilak, bohrokwill, Electric Turahk, Makaru, SPIRIT, Mikerahk, Tahatu Taluka, Dr. Bionicle, *onua nuva* fan, and Aoran.


Good amount, so I'm pretty happy now that we can handle the load. That said, the more the merrier so don't hesitate to say if you think you can help, folks. :) Also, as the contest goes on I can still authorize more judges. For now probably not absolutely necessary.


There will be specific instructions for what judges will do in the entry topic, which is as far as I can tell all ready to be posted tommorrow. :)


*submarine surfaces*

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That said, the more the merrier so don't hesitate to say if you think you can help, folks.

So you don't mind if I join then? Judge, not entry. I don't think I've got enough story skills to match some other contestants. Depends really on what the themes are.


Edit: I promise to leave earth out of it :P

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Ahh, this seems reeeeally interesting, and knowing many members around here, I'm sure there'll be many interesting entries. Lookin' forward to seein' and judgin'.

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And in case you worry about this -- judges can also enter, since they do not pick winners.
Oh, and bonesiii, I'd like to enter and try my writing, not just judge. I gotta start thinking of something.
Edit: I promise to leave earth out of it
What? No Earth? We're doomed! I'll just have to use enough Earth for all of us.IPB Image
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This sounds like it's going to be fun! Great idea. I've always liked writing, but I've had a lack of inspiration (and time) for several weeks if not months now, but this contest should give some cool ideas.


If you still need help with the judging, I'm free. I'll probably be reading most of the stories anyways.



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What? No Earth?

I'm refering to the long conversation me and Boney Von Barmey the Third had on earth, don't worry :)


Yeah, I've got to say that this S&T competition is looking up to be intresting. I'm not sure what the first one was like, since it happened during my BZ break, but it should be intresting. Looking foward to being a judge, even if it is only making bullet holes in theories :P


I just hope bones lets me judge.



SPIRIT, Mikerahk, Tahatu Taluka, Mikerahk--you're in!

You've mentioned Mikerahk twice bones. Does this mean that he's got double duties? :P

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As I type another storm's on the way and it's purple. Purple = bad. :wacko:


Infection and bngi, you're in too--I don't think we need anyone else, but both of you I know fit the bill so that works. ^_^ I didn't expect so many to sign up so fast at last minute's notice--thanks, folks!


Edit: Wir haben ein Contest. ^_^

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