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The Crazy Adventures Of A Comic Writer



Episode 1

One super dull and boring night, I sat at my computer doing.....NOTHING!

When suddenly my comic character came right out of the wallpaper on my computer and grabbed me!

Holding me up by my throat, my own comic character demanded that I stop creating my comics because all the comic characters hate me making them do things that they don't want to do.

I quickly yelled for him to stop. I then explained that it was 10% boredom mixed with 90% imagination that had made me create them in the first place. Also finishing off with how my goal is to make the "Stupid People!" famous! That I'm not doing it for my own gain!

He listened to what I had to say, apologized for his rude behavior, and then asked if I'd like to be shown around the comic world that I've created. Naturally I said, "Yes!", and we have been great friends ever since!

I just think to myself....me....best friends with my own creation! Wow!
Then, after hours of exploring my own created world, I was shot back out of my computer into my seat, staring blankly at my wallpaper again.....fun.

The end. :P

-Jordboy1 :miru:


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Thanks, guys! :D

Oh and I didn't even notice! Look at that amazing Pepsi can back there!!! :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

That can is what got me reading.


And the expression in the second panel when your character comes out. =P

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